Tuesday, June 25, 2013

6.25.13 Ashley

WOD: Ashley

Skill: Hang Cleans 4x5.  Adding 10 lbs each set. / Front Squats 2x5

Adding 10 lbs. during 9-7, 6-4, 3-1
Hang Cleans (135#/75#)
Front Squats (135#/75#)
Lateral Bar Hops
Russian Twists (16-20#, 10-12#)

Tip of the Day:  Don't exercise on an empty stomach.  Carbohydrates are the preferred fuel for exercise.  Consume a small portioned meal or snack 30-60 Minutes before training.  Try a low fat fruit yogurt, a banana, small bowl of oatmeal, or perhaps a slice of 100% whole grain toast with fruit spread.

Abby - 19:48 Rx
Tyler - 20:36 65#
Kenia - 18:02 33#
Victoria - 16:53 20#
Corina - 23:22 35#
Ronak - 18:14 55#
Jenn - 19:25 Jx
Tom S. - 31:48 135#
Eric Sr. - 16:10 65# (Mod)
Mark - 27:31 Rx
Brenda - 14:08 25#
Mitch - 23:00 105#
Nicole H. - 18:07 65#
Martin - 15:48 95#
Jamie - 13:31 25#
Fernando - 20:04 Rx
Brian N. - 29:15 Rx
Cindy - 9:30 45#
Vanessa Ce. - 13:10 45#
Yvonne - 14:46 Rx
Kaela - 14:48 53#
Tim - 18:34 Rx
Judith - 10:01 35#
Rich - 17:42 Rx
Ben - 17:15 Rx
Jenna - 14:21 Rx
Bob - 13:50 Bx
Rick - 16:28 65#
Cara - 15:05 35#
Justen - 15:10 85#
Nicole D. - 12:41 45#
Jason G. - 01:01 95# (Mod)
Kyle - 24:37 115#
Vanessa Ch. - 14:29 43#
Emily - 16:40 25#

Way to start the week!

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