Skill: Sumo Dead lift High Pulls - 5x6
15 Min EMOM
2 Clusters @ 70%
Wait for the hip pop during the SDHP! Avoid muscling up the weight with your arms and use the speed in your hips to propel the bar upward.
Regina - 15 63#
Orlando - 15 125#
Nicole C. - 15 35#
Chris S. - 15 65#
Angie - 15 63#
Abby - 15 73#
Eric Sr. - 15 95#
Spencer - 10 10#
Liz - 10 10#
Tom S. - 15 155#
Carla - 15 43#
Mason - 15 115#
Irish - 15 63#
Bernie - Mod
Joe - 20 185#
Anthony - 6 155#
Kody - 15 135#
Jenifer - 20 63#
Megan - 15 135#
Dennis - 15 135#
Jen D. - 15 53#
Ram - 15 115#
Cross - 15 63#
Jennifer P. - 15 43#
Carmen - 20 53#
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Gina - 15 43#
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Maira - 15 53#
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Marika -15 53#
Steve P. - 15 95#
Tim - 15 145#
Subhi - 15 85#
Karen - 15 53#
Ana - 15 73#
Ronak - 15 63#
Raghu - 15 35#
Suma - 15 15#
Adrienne - 15 53#
Rick - 15 85#
Prince - 15 45#
Kaela - 15 63#
Lily - 15 12#
Taylor - 15 65#
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