Skill: Squat Jerks 5x20 (PVC)
12 Min AMRAP
10 Dead lifts (135#/93#)
15 Sit Ups
20 Double Unders
12 Minute increasing AMRAP - After each completed round add 5 reps to each movement.
We are practicing squat jerks to increase overhead mobility in the shoulders and work on positioning in the bottom of the squat.
Steve P. - 270 135#
Jen D. - 220 83#
Jacque - 396 Rx
Grant - 335 85#
Nicole C. - 241 53#
Joobin - 417 Rx
Brenda D. - 235 83#
Megan - 477 Rx
Eric Sr. - 205 Mod
Taylor - 222 Mod
Nicole H. - 295 Rx
Brandon - 242 115#
Angela - 243 83#
Mason - 320 135#
Anthony - Mod
Kody - Mod
Joe - 515 Rx
Karen - 205 93#
Bob - Mob
Jennifer P. - 195 53#
Robert - 298 135#
Vanessa - 379 Rx
Jason Re. - 235 135#
Delilah - 270 83#
Becca - 275 73#
Cindy - 285 93#
Gaylene - 512 95#
Yajaira - 230 83#
Martin - 300 95#
Leslie - 287 93#
Jason T. - Mod
Lindsay D. - 197 73#
Gerard - 395 Rx
Jenna - 385 Rx
Carmen - 348 93#
Tara - 330 Rx
Santhi - 235 25#
Subhi - 271 Rx
Prince - 180 35#
Marika - 300 63#
Stephanie V. - 188 83#
Danielle - 215 Rx
Maria R. - 190 63#
Ram - 306 Rx
Brenda H. - 285 93#
Maira - 280 93#
Raghu - 187 43#
Suma - 205 25#
Fernando M. - 239 Rx
Amarjit - 235 Rx
Nick B. - 389 Rx
Tim - 290 Rx
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