Wednesday, April 3, 2013

4.2.13 Splitter

WOD: The Splitter

2 Rounds for time
20 Split Jerks
50 Sit Ups
20 Split Jerks
50 Air Aquats
20 Split Jerks
50 Push Ups

Tip of the Day: Take time to practice and improve your squat technique.  A quality squat is a mandatory prerequisite to performing more complex movements such as the clean, snatch, and  overhead squat.

Lindsay Z.- 19:56 @15#
Rich - 24:53 @95#
Brock - 30:59 @15#
Ronak - 23:34 @25#
Fernando - 19:56 @65#
Mike - 26:17 @95#
Elisa - 22:40 @65#
Jenna - 20:41 @65#
Jennifer - 21:02 @25#
Taylor - 20:37 @95#
Eric - 28:21 @85#
Mark - 30:57 @65#
Brian N. - 24:12 @65#
Tom D. - 24:56 @85#
Sean O. - 20:35 @75#
Sean L. - 27:16 @45#
Gina - 21:19 @35#
Danielle - 21:27 @35#
Melissa - 25:35 @25#
Lindsay D. - 22:21 @15#
Brian P. - 28:01 @35#
Travis - 31:45 @45#
Greg - 29:00 @95#

That was a total body workout!  Way to push through it!

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