Saturday, August 10, 2013

8.9.13 The Escape

WOD: The Escape

Skill: Sledgehammer / G.H.D.

1 Round for time.
2 Laps Outside
30 Bar Rows
60 Double Unders
30 Leg Raises
50 Sledgehammers
500 m Row

Tip of the Day: Whatever your goal is, find a well respected program to get you to that goal, and stick to it. Too often we jump from program to program, never understanding why we aren’t making any gains toward our goal.

Jeff - 10:54 16#
Oscar - 13:50 8#
Elmo - 16:26 8#
Sheryl - 17:16 8#
Kyle - 12:56 Rx
Abby - 11:34 Rx
Vanessa Ch. - 12:28 Rx
Erika - 12:54 Rx
Tom D. - 12:14 Rx
Ronak - 11:35
Eric D. - 13:05
Adam H. - 11:52 
Victoria - 12:30
Brandon - 9:53
Tom S. - 11:22 Rx
Kaela - 11:41 Rx
Tim - 10:11 Rx
Tara - 10:13 Rx
Mike - 11:50 Rx
Jenna - 11:58 Mod
Jenn - 10:23 Rx Mod
Eric Sr. - 11:30 Mod
Jason P. - 9:03 Mod
Miles - 9:45 Rx
Jennifer P. - 17:38
Elisa - 12:30 16#
Rick - 11:51
Mark - 11:14 Rx

Have an awesome weekend!

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