Friday, November 15, 2013

11.14.13 Slater

WOD: Slater

Skill: Double Unders - 1 Min On/1 Min Off for 3 Rounds - Calculate highest total in 1 min
Dead lifts 3 x 20

21 - 15 - 9
Box Jumps (24"/18")
Ring Rows
Ring Dips

Keep the rings tight to the body! Go for the dead lifts unbroken!  Posture, posture, posture!

Regina - 8:48
Orlando - 9:08
Fernando D. - 5:24 Rx
Roheet - 8:00
Adam D. - 10:00
Tyler - 9:18
Kenia - 6:51
Victoria - 9:18
Amy - 9:51
Osh - 7:30 Mod
OJ - 8:21
Brenda - 8:04
Dally - -- Mod
Heather - 6:20
Jason G. - 11:10
Patricia - 11:15
Danny - -- Mod
Bernie - 6:50 Rx
Vanessa - 6:27
Joobin - 5:49
Jason T. - -- Mod
Subhi - 9:09
Tim - 9:45 Rx
Ada - 12:19
Chris M. - 9:56 Rx
Jovany - 11:40
Nick Z. - 9:37
Lindsay Z. - 4:53
Sean O. - 5:07 Rx
Nick Br. - 9:11 Rx
Yvonne - 7:50
Ben - 6:31 Rx
Taylor - 12:48
Monike - 9:11 
Kaela - 7:12
Jessica - 6:15


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