Skill: Sotts Press 4x10
20 Min AMRAP
5 Overhead Squats (95#/63#)
1 80ft Bear Crawl
10 Push Press (95#/63#)
15 Box Jumps (24"/20")
New shirts are in! They are $30 a piece and much better than our last design! Get them while they're hot!
Abby - 173 Rx
Carmen - 192 35#
Jenifer - 129 53#
Steve P. - 155 75#
Joe - 191 Rx
Regina - 155 Mod
Orlando - 11895#
Jen D. - 130 53#
Taylor - 156 Rx
Cole - SPT
Tammy - Mod
Megan - Mod
Allie - 166 Rx
Angela - 155 53#
Heather - 155 43#
Mason - 146 65#
Adam - 141 Rx
Carla - 124 15#
Anthony - Mod
Irish - 166 43#
Patricia - 104 33#
Chase - Mod
Alex - Mod
Joobin - 191 Rx
Bob - 217 Mod
Nicole - 169 Rx
Sean L. - 148 75#
Cindy - 191 35#
Brenda D. - 166 53#
Leslie - 167 Rx
Vanessa - 186 53#
Delilah - 155 53#
Jenna - 160 Rx+
Maira - 186 33#
Brenda H. - 155 43#
Jason G. - 206 Rx
Karen - 161 35#
Elisa - 157 Rx
Tim - 186 Rx
Jason T. - Mod
Tom S. - 187 Rx
Rich E. - 161 65#
Bobs - Mod
Nick Z. - 114 Rx
Lindsay - 191 33#
Jessica Hg. - 160 35#
Igdalia - 122 33#
Ana - 186 33#
Fernando M. - 155 Rx
Subhi - 143 85#
Charise - 161 Rx
Awesome Gruesome! Sotts Press/Overhead Squat was an awesome combo on the same day.