Skill: Power Pulls & Hang Pulls (Snatch & Clean grip)
1 RFT.
50 Pull Ups
40 Ring Dips
30 Box Jumps (24"/20")
20 Power Snatches (95#/63#)
10 Tire Flips
The Power and Hang Pulls are like a clean or a snatch but with no rack or pull under. Proper set up position then an explosive jump.
Jen D. - 21:59 63#
Joey - 13:28 95#
Michael C. - 14:35 33#
Regina - 14:10 Mod
Jeron - 16:26 33#
Anna - 16:35 33#
Becca - 18:21 43#
Kody - 16:54 43#
Taylor - 17:41 95#
Tammy - 15:25 33#
Cole - SPT
Tom D. - 13:38 95#
Mason - 19:36 95#
Ryan - 19:20 85#
Adam - 18:58 Rx
Heather - 15:50 43#
Mike T. - 18:36 75#
Jessica He. - 18:47 53#
Fernando D. - 14:12 Rx
Jaclyn - 11:52 63#
Anthony - 13:13 Rx
Carmen - 11:36 53#
Joe - 9:46 Rx
Greyson - SPT
Dennis - 9:25 Rx
Marika - 15:50 53#
Cara - 19:00 38#
Sean P. - 15:50 95#
Patricia - 18:36 35#
Danielle - 18:31 63#
Chase - 10:41 65#
Alex - 18:50 65#
Jason G. - 15:49 Rx
Tim - Mod
Gaylene - 16:55 65#
Kristine - 16:51 53#
Chris T. - 15:36 95#
Jenna - 14:24 63#
Nicole - 16:14 63#
Natalie - 11:31 43#
Delilah - 14:54 43#
Jason T. - Mod
Kyle - 16:50 Rx
Rich E. - 15:35 95#
Charise - 11:06 43#
Steve V. - 13:15 Rx
Bryce - 17:02 45#
Stephanie - 13:21 43#
Mark - 19:07 95#
Sara - 10:03 53#
Brenda D. - 12:57 53#
Maira - 14:09 48#
Jenifer - 15:56 35#
Steve P. - 15:45 65#
Brenda H. - 15:02 48#
Gerard - 16:26 Rx
Ana - 13:48 53#
Igdalia - 17:44 25#
Tara - 16:13 63#
Maria - 16:56 63#
Amarjit - 16:18 85#
Fernando M. - 16:55 95#
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