Skill: One and a Quarter Front Squats 5,5,5,3,3,3,1,1,1 (working up to Clean 1RM#)
4 Rounds.
20 Pull Ups
40 Double Unders
20 Push Ups
1 Sled Push (210#/140#)
For the skill work a full front squat, raise a quarter of the distance up, then drop back into the bottom of the squat, lastly explode out of the hole with speed. These squats are great for working on tempo and posture in the bottom position.
Orlando - 22:46
Joobin - 17:36 Rx

Nick Z. - 23:35
Lindsay Z. - 24:31
Maira - 17:18
Teria - 22:40
Fernando D. - 17:49
Cara - 24:18
Vanessa - 23:51 Rx
Corretta - 25:00 (3)
Kody - 20:12 Rx
Jen D. - 28:07
Tammy - 24:07
Gaylene - 20:19
Kristine - 20:48
Adam - 24:21
Mason - 25:10
Tom S. - 28:31 Rx
Lindsay D. - 17:50
Pat - 22:35
Anthony - 19:26 Rx
Jordan G. - Mod
Ronak - 19:35
Megan - 15:45 Rx
Bob - Mod
Brenda D. - 18:52
Joe - 14:09 Rx
Amarjit - 17:14
Jovany - 18:16
Delilah - 23:38
Becca - 27:46
Mark - 22:40 Rx
Stephanie - 21:40
Cindy - 20:25
Chris T. - 24:35
Jenna - 22:15 Rx
Danielle - 21:54
Yajaira - 26:20
Gina - 15:18
Dennis -17:01 Rx
Tony - 25:00
Lauren - 21:53
Karen - 27:34
Kaela - 24:57
Kat - 24:50
Tim - Mod
Nick B. - 14:23 Rx

Jason T. - 23:25 Rx Mod
Carla - 27:40
Carmen - 14:32
Crystal - 18:16
Bri - 24:59
Ana - 17:43
Igdalia - 23:18
Gerard - 22:08 Rx
Maria R. - 24:37
Fernando M. - 24:35 Rx
Maria V. - 24:55
Santhi - 26:02
Raghu - Mod
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