Skill: Review Squat Technique and then 3x10 Drop Squats
20 Min AMRAP
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats
Pace yourselves! Keep the toes behind the knees and work good depth for the squats. Keep good posture with your upper half and grind it out! Hips rise with the shoulders during the push ups.
Tara - 330 Rx
Oscar - 335
Orlando - 335
Quan - 455
Joey - 485 Rx
Kody - 514 Rx
Vanessa Ch. - 468
Taylor - 392 Rx
Abby - 360
Irish - 300
Ricky - 300
Corretta - 367
Amy - 272
Eric Sr. - 357
Kristine - 435
Gaylene - 447
Roheet - 390
Steve V. - 427 Rx
Dennis - 605 Rx
Anthony - 562 Rx
Fernando D. - 525 Rx
Jovany - 310
Joe - 641 Rx
Guillaume - SPT
Becca - 430
Tyler R. - 518 Rx
Heather - 607
Bernie - -- Mod
Angie - 363 Rx
Elisa - 447 Rx
Tom D. - 521 Rx
Joobin- 543 Rx
Ruben - 495 Rx
Tom S. - 516 Rx
Jake - -- Mod
Cara - 323
Sean O. - 552 Rx
Cross - SPT
Robert - 523 Rx
Grant - 150
Mark - 371 Rx
Chase - 555 Rx
Alex - 365
Maira - 420
Brenda H. - 420
Tyler M. - 363 Rx
Nicole - 431
Yvonne - 390
Jason P. - 1,075 Mod
Brenda D. - 420
Jason G. - 421 Rx
Jenifer -330
Steve P. -335
Yajaira - 246
Danielle - 394
Jenna - 315
Tim - 425 Rx
Adrienne - 390

Spice - 1,345 Mod
Clay - 455 Rx
Jason T. - -- Mod
Amarjit - 660
Jessica Hg. - 425
Mike T. - 391
Fernando M. - 365
Kaela - 400
Mason - 420
Ronak - 365
Ram - 433
Merlina - 390
Maria - 345
David - 431
Subhi - 365
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