Skill: Split Snatches 10,10,10,10,10
4 Rounds for time.
1 Plate carry around the rig (35#/25#)
15 Ring Dips
250m Row
15 Oblique Leg Raises
When split snatching be aware of your foot displacement. One foot should move forward and the other backwards (not just a drop backwards with one leg). Land on the ball of your back foot with a flex in the knee.
Abby - 14:22
Kenia - 14:22
Carmen - 14:22
Joey - 16:33 Rx+
Tara - 11:12
Kody - 11:11
Nick Z. - 14:32
Lindsay - 13:21
Regina - 14:36
Orlando - 14:49
OJ - 14:04
Roheet - 17:30
Ana - 14:11
Tom S. - 16:04
Jenn J. - 13:50
Vanessa Ce. - 14:26
Jennifer P. - 13:19
Bob - -- Mod
Kristine - 13:05
Adrienne - 13:07 Mod
Patrick - 17:47
Jenifer - 16:12
Eric Sr. - 14:32
Kris - 11:55
Will - 11:22 Rx
Eddie - 14:02 Rx
Joe - 10:43 Rx
Bernie - 11:29 Rx
Miguel - -- Mod
Dennis - -- Mod
Anthony - -- Mod
Jen D. - 13:33
Jenna - -- Mod
Sean O. - 12:05 Rx
Leslie - 13:57
Elisa - 16:50
Danielle - -- Mod
Amarjit - 14:14
Maira - 14:24
Brenda H. - 14:24
Ronak - 13:07
Tyler M. - 14:04
Robert - 14:25
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