Skill: Split Jerk - 4 reps on the minute for 8 minutes
12 Min AMRAP
Wall Balls (20#/14#)
Toes to Ring
X-Fit Push Ups
When split jerking, be sure to have proper foot displacement. One foot forward and one foot backwards (Not just a drop backwards). Be aggressive with your feet and we're looking for good speed!
Abby - 143 Reps Mod
Joey - 259 Mod
Rich V. - 135 Rx
Jen D. - 151 14#
Quan - 111 Mod
Kody - 211 Rx
Brenda D. - 163 14#
Taylor F. - 154 Rx
Maria - 171 12#
Jessica He. - 112 12#
Irish - 105 10#
Eric Sr. - 144 20#
Angela - 119 12#
Jake - -- Mod
Angie - -- Mod
Jordan - -- Mod
Ruben - 211 Rx
Jaclyn - -- Mod
Nicole - 148 Rx
Joe - 226 Rx
Monike - 189 12#
Heather - 191 Rx
Clay - 199 Rx
Nick Bre. - 214 Rx
Jovany - 150 16#
Joobin - 189 Rx
Cross - SPT
Patricia - 140 10#
Cara - 159 12#
Stephanie - 192 Mod
Elisa - 200 Rx
Danielle - 105 14#
Becca - 161 Rx
Tom S. - 206 Rx
Vanessa Ch. - 148 Rx
Leslie - 161 Rx
Natalie - 163 12#
Chase - 195 16#
Tim - 167 Rx
Steve P. - 135 16#
Jenifer - 153 12#
Nick Z. - 110 Rx
Lindsay Z. - 113 14#
Ronak - 171 14#
Fernando M. - 184 Rx
Subhi - 193 Mod
Ram - 169 20#
Amarjit - 176 20#
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