Skill: Back Squats 5x8
10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
Wall Balls (20#/14#)
Knee to Elbow
SDLHP (95#/65#)
Straight backs during the Sumo Dead Lift High Pulls. Use your legs and hips! Focus on Knees to Elbows not Knees to Armpits! Use the same 'push & pull' with your arms as you would with a kipping pull up.
Joey - 9:57 95#
Quan - 13:17 45# (8)
Regina - 12:32 53#
Orlando - 15:23 85#
Taylor - 15:05 Rx
Kody - 9:37 Rx
Oscar - 14:54 95#
Abby - 12:33 63#
Corretta - 19:26 Rx
Ricky - 14:43 65# (8)
Irish - 15:27 25# (8)
Clay - 11:23 Rx
Kristine - 14:29 53#
Eric Sr. - 16:31 95#
Jenifer - 13:38 33#
Steven V. - 12:33 Rx
Tara - 15:15 Rx
Anthony - 1:02:48 Murph
Tyler R. - 1:06:52 Murph
Robert - 12:40 Rx
Angie - 14:23 43#
Jake - -- Mod
Fernando D. - 18:26 Mod
Guillaume - SPT
Joe - 9:53 Rx
Ruben - 10:39 Rx
Dennis - -- Mod
Heather - 12:29 43#
Maira - 14:33 43#
Bobs - 14:25 Rx
Jason G. - 11:13 Rx
Chase - 11:41 65#
Tom S. - 10:37 Rx
Alex - 12:02 65#
Stephanie - 11:32 43#
Mark B. - 13:33 Rx
Carmen - 11:57 33#
Tasha - 13:59 43#
Denim - 8:34 Rx
Jovany - 12:18 65#
Natalie - 12:09 53#
Chris T. - 16:05 95#
David B. - 12:35 Rx
Yajaira - 16:33 35#
Brenda D. - 13:38 53#
Adrienne - 12:36 43#
Rick - 12:48 65#
Danielle - 13:21 63#
Nicole - 15:26 63#
Jason T. - -- Mod
Tyler M. - 15:35 95#
Jenna - 14:11 63#
Jessica Hg. - 11:36 35#
Khoi - 23:51 55#
Fernando M. - 15:15 Rx
Ronak - 17:14 63#
Jesse - 14:48 65#
Austin - 8:26 95#
Osh - 25:00 65#
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