Saturday, March 1, 2014

3.1.14 Karabel

WOD: Karabel

Skill: Handstand Walking

3 Power Snatches (135#/73#)
15 Wall Ball (20#/14#)

Remain under tension as you pull yourself into the squat of the wall ball.  If we drop to the bottom without a tight core we will be more at risk for injuring your knees or low back.

Compare to : 4.18.13 & 6.11.13

Roheet - 14:46 65#
Courtney - 13:26 15#
Subhi - 11:22 75#
Chase - 12:03 65#
Ram - 11:33 65#
Kaela - 13:26 Rx
Tyler R. - -- Mod
Delilah - 15:41 43#
Vanessa - 13;30 53#
Yvonne - 15:48 53#
Arun - 8:38 Mod
Rich E. - 7:13 65#
Tyler M. - -- Mod
Tim - 213 Reps 14.1
Tom S. - 135 Reps 14.1
Jason G. - 170 Reps 14.1
Nick Bre. - 308 Reps 14.1
Nicole - 214 Reps 14.1
Danielle - 120 Reps 14.1
Jaclyn - -- Mod
Jennifer P. - -- Mod
Cara - -- Mod
Anthony - -- Mod
Dennis - -- Mod

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