Saturday, October 25, 2014

10.25.14 Zeus

WOD: Zeus

Skill: Kipping Pull Ups or Strict Pull Ups

For time.
30 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
30 Dead lift High Pulls (75#/55#)
30 Box Jumps (24"/20")
30 Push Press (75#/55#)
30 Calorie Row
30 Push Ups
10 Body Weight Back Squats

One Bar.  Hit it hard! To maintain tension during the kipping pull up be sure to keep your lower half tight by squeezing your butt and pointing your toes.

Travis - 20:19 Rx 225#
Bri - 19:16 83#
Jen D. - 15:50 53#
Nicole C. - 22:49 43#
Chris S. - 24:06 115#
Eddie - 18:56 Rx 205#
Adrienne - 18:15 63#
Subhi - 17:28 155#
Chris D. - 10:34 Rx 225#
Tom S. - 11:46 Rx 210#
Vanessa - 17:11 Rx 108#
Delilah - 21:10 83#
Helen - 23:34 53#
Will - 14:20 155#
Jessica - 20:10 103#
Nick B. - 13:03 Rx+ 195#
Jason T. - Mod
Mason - 16:12 135#
Kaela - 19:03 103#
Prince - 17:01 45#
Danielle - 16:05 Rx+143#
Jenna - 14:23 Rx+163#
Megan - 11:28 Rx+155#
Anthony - 28:25 Angie
Tim - 13:31 Rx 205#
Kyle - Mod
Nicole H. - 15:23 Rx
Mari - 21:00 83#
Carla - Row

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