WOD: Dante
Skill: 10 Mins of Kipping HSPU's
10 Min AMRAP
10 Back Squats (135#/83#)
30 Double Unders
Rest 5 Mins
100 X-Fit Push Ups for time.
Use the wall to your advantage during the kipping HSPU's. Focus on good posture during the back squats.
Vanessa - 208 Rx
Regina - 287 Mod
Leslie - 200 83#
Kody - 240 Rx
Joey - 361 135#
Gaylene - 276 83#
Ryan - 177 135#
Abby - 290 83#
Kristine - 294 73#
Mason - 170 115#
Eric Sr. - 200 115#
Ana - 185 83#
Tom D. - 205 Rx
Jessica He. - 240 83#
Jennifer P. - 245 Mod
Tyler B. - SPT
Trevor - SPT
Jim - PT
John C. - PT
Fernando D. - 264 Rx
Anthony - Mod
Carmen - 240 83#
Sean O. - 207 Rx
Jaclyn - 101 Mod
Joe - 430 Rx
Bob - Mod
Cross - SPT
Dennis - Mod
Angie - 240 73#
Jake - 240 115#
Jovany - 197 85#
Jen D. - 182 Rx
Jenna - 240 Rx+
Maira - 263 83#
Brenda H. - 205 63#
Brenda D. - 235 83#
Robert - 244 135#
Delilah - 246 63#
Jason G. - 178 Rx
Anna - 202 35#
Chris T. - 160 135#
Mark - 185 Rx
Stephanie - 284 Rx
Jason T. - Mod
Nicole - 285 Rx
Chase - 240 95#
Kyle - 240 Rx
Tyler M. - 200 115#
Jenifer - 235 83#
Roslyn - 160 55#
Yvonne - 206 73#
Sara - 289 73#
Danielle - 200 Mod
Elisa - 205 83#
Kaela - 202 Rx
Rich E. - 200 135#
Charise - 282 Mod
Tara - 175 Rx
Irish - 214 53#
Jessica Hg .- 200 73#
Amarjit - 280 95#
Karen - 170 63#
Top 3 Push Ups Times:
Men - Joey Arrighi (3:05), Joe Gutierrez (4:35), Kody Kampfen (4:45)
Women - Nicole Hurley (3:28), Jenna Saenz (4:10), Jen Deasy (4:20)
WOD: Sunday Funday
Skill: L-Sits & 5 Touch & Go Power Cleans (135#/65#)
21 - 15 - 9
DB Thrusters
3 Minute Rest
9 - 15 - 21
DB Snatch
Anthony - Mod
Maira - 17:54 20#
Brenda H. - 19:35 15#
Jason G. - 22:30 45#
Yvonne - 18:35 20#
WOD: Boiler Room
Skill: 100 Sledgehammers
Team WOD
3 Rounds
A.) Row 500m
B.) Wall Balls for duration of Partner A Row (20#/14#)
Score is total number of Wall Balls.
Ana & Igdalia - 150
Kody - 118 Rx
Patricia - 116
Jovany & Robert - 209
Kaela - 103 Rx
Vanessa & Delilah - 186
Ryan & Mason - 228 Rx
Lindsay & Nick Z. - 212 Rx
Kyle - Mod
Jenna - Mod
Jason T. - Mod
Jim - PT
Danielle - Mob
Dennis - Mod
Joobin - Mod
Jaclyn - Mod
WOD: O'Grady
Skill: Power Snatches 6,6,6,6,6
4 Rounds.
20 Pistol Squats
10 Body Blasters
10 HSPU's
20 Hollow Rocks
Focus on a strong pull under and full hip extension during the power snatch.
Carmen - 13:26
Joey - 20:00
Michael C. - 16:30
Kody - 17:26 Rx
Kristine - 19:54
Orlando - 22:31
Regina - 18:31 Mod
Taylor - 23:56
Adrienne - 26:40
Emily - 29:00
Nick Bre. - 24:24 Rx
Corretta - 30:35
Gerard - 29:14
Tara - 31:31
Eric Sr. - 17:36
Ryan - 21:52
Mason - 22:54
Tom S. - 21:38
Tyler B. - SPT
Trevor - SPT
Brenda D. - 20:36
Becca - 24:50
Eddie - 26:02
Bernie - 1:31:20 MMM
Jaclyn - 16:19
Anthony - Mod
Dennis - 19:48
Angie - Mod
Jake - Mod
Cross - SPT
Greyson - SPT
Joobin - Mod
Danielle - 19:38
Brenda H. - 18:42
Maira - 17:24
Leslie - 14:01 (2)
Jenna - 13:25 Mod
Jennifer P. - 18:55
Vanessa - 15:10
Tim - Mod
Steve P. - 17:11
Jenifer - 18:34
Kyle - 17:17
WOD: Redmond
Skill: Good Mornings
3 - 6 - 9 - 12 - 15
Sumo Dead lift High Pulls (115#/63#)
Keep a slight bend in the knee and exaggerate your chest out, keeping the back as straight as possible.
Jen D. - 9:52 53#
Terri - 9:53 25#
Regina - 7:46 Mod
Orlando - 11:12 Rx
Rich V. - 7:22 Rx
Cole - SPT
Tyler - SPT
Tammy - 11:20 43#
Gerard - 10:12 Rx
Kody - 8:09 Rx
Joey - 5:45 Rx
Micahel C. - 6:40 45#
Grant - 11:01 95#
Mason - 7:23 95#
Adam - 6:45 Rx
Taylor - 7:43 Rx
Heather - 8:35 53#
Nicole - Mod
Kathryn - 5:42 Rx
Jake - Mod
Brenda D. - 8:23 Rx
Angie - Mod
Mike T. - 7:12 95#
Joe - 5:47 Rx
Marika - 9:34 53#
Bob - 7:06 Mod
Joobin - 5:44 95#
Anthony - Mod
Maria - 9:50 Rx
Patricia - 9:51 35#
Jason G. - 7:19 115#
Ram - Mod
Ana - 6:49 63#
Jenna - 7:10 Rx
Aaron - 7:27 Rx
Robert - 6:13 Rx
Carmen - 5:03 53#
Sean L. - 8:49 95#
Delilah - 9:27 53#
Kristine - 8:48 Rx
Chase - 6:54 95#
Danielle - 8:29 65#
Maira - 9:06 53#
Brenda H. - 9:11 53#
Steve P. - 11:26 95#
Lindsay Z. - 9:10 Rx
Nick Z. - 12:53 Rx
Tim - Mod
Nick Bre. - Mod
Roheet - 9:00 85#
Yajaira - 13:34 53#
Ryan - 10:58 95#
Rich E. - 6:12 85#
Karen - 8:19 35#
Subhi - 11:09 95#
Tara - 5:41 Rx
Kaela - 8:31 Rx
WOD: Rainbow Road
Skill: Squat Clean to Jerk Transitions
18 Min AMRAP
9 Dead lifts (225#/135#)
9 Box Jumps (24"/20")
18 X-Fit Push Ups
Out of the squat clean give a slight shrug at the top and adjust your hands so that you are in a better position to execute a strong jerk. The bar should be more in the palm of your hand rather than your fingers.
Jen D. - 198 Reps 103#
Carmen - 269 103#
Leslie - 149 133# (12')
Rich V. - 262 Rx
Orlando - 216 185#
Regina - 240 Mod
OJ - 228 105#
Anna - 238 63#
Vanessa - 300 103#
Maira - 226 73#
Teria - 243 63#
Taylor - 217 Rx
Joey - 261 Rx
Tammy - 188 73#
Cole - SPT
Tyler S. - SPT
Grant - 175 135#
Roheet - 204 135#
Adam - 261 Rx
Mason - 212 185#
Kody - 289 Rx
Fernando D. - 305 Rx
Becca - 242 88#
Tom S. - 255 Rx
Jaclyn - 297 103#
Anthony - 189 Rx
Marika - 243 63#
Cara - Mod
Tara - 265 Rx
Joe - 347 Rx

Tom D. - 219 Rx
Patricia - 238 33#
Bob - Mod
Alex - 180 175#
Chase - 268 185#
Jason G. - 216 185#
Danielle - 206 Rx+
Nicole - 277 113#
Gaylene - 260 Rx
Rich E. - 324 175#
Sean L. - 216 135#
Delilah - 193 103#
Kristine - 258 113#
Robert - 233 Rx
Mark - 216 Rx
Jenna - 192 Rx+
Linday Z. - 357 103#
Stephanie - 262 93#
Chris - 149 Rx
Igdalia - 196 63#
Brenda D. - 234 103#
Yajaira - 239 53#
Ana - 231 Rx
Jason T. - Mod
Maria - 222 123#
Kaela - 217 Rx
Jessica Hg. - 232 103#
Amarjit - 218 155#
Karen - 257 103#
Fernando M. - 198 Rx+
WOD: Hustle
Skill: Overhead Squats 5x8
5 Rounds.
200m Run
10 Strict Pull Ups
12 Ring Dips
15 Sit Ups
Maintain a good press overhead during the OHS. If you drop too quickly you will likely lose control of the weight overhead. Stay in control!
Regina - 20:20
Orlando - 17:19
Jenifer - 15:17
Steve P. - 18:06
Oscar - 16:20
Adrienne - 16:32
Eric Sr. - 24:30
Joey - 17:09
Amy - 16:05
Mason - 16:22
Tyler B. - SPT
Jon C. - PT
Dennis - 1:29:46 MMMRx
Anthony - 1:23:01 MMMRx
Jen D. - 19:47
Greyson - SPT
Cross - SPT
Joe - 8:12 (20/20)Rx
Kody - Mod
Bob - Mod
Jason G. - 5 Rounds +7 Rx
Nicole - 11:08 (20/20) Rx / 14:26
Nick Bre. - 26:10 Rx+
Maira - 17:11
Brenda D. - 15:18
Jennifer P. - 17:29
Aaron - 12:00
Carmen - 12:42
Kristine - 20:25
Gaylene - 23:26
Jason T. - 21:04
Gina - 17:18
Chase - 15:50
Mark - 19:09
Stephanie - 15:40
Jenna - 15:36
Natalie - 13:40
Tara - 16:07
Chris - 13:44
Jaclyn - 22:39
Kyle - 18:08
Tim - 23:01
Ronak - 14:54
Danielle - 19:37
Elisa - 19:30
David - 23:20
Robert - 19:48
Rick - 20:26
Kaela - 23:32
Ana - 20:48
Amarjit - 13:37
Emily - 16:38 SPT
Ram - 15:57
Taylor - 20:57
Maria - 16:54
Fernando M. - 21:43
Congrats to Coach Taylor and Jenna Saenz for competing in their very first CrossFit competition today! Both did great and gave it their all! We hope to enter more local competitions so if you are interested in competing let us know and we can register for upcoming events. We are looking to send a few competitors to a throwdown in September! Stay tuned...
WOD: Ralph (Mod)
Skill: 100 Sledgehammers
4 Rounds.
8 Dead lifts (225#/153#)
16 Burpees
3 15' Rope Climbs
400m Run
Position, position, position! Practicing good footwork on the rope!
Jessica Hg. - 25:00 123#
Vanessa - 25:06 133#
Delilah - 22:27 103#
Justyn - 26:12 115#
Chris - 28:15 205#
Brenda D. - 19:14 123#
Igdalia - 20:42 53#
Ana - 16:05 123#
Bernie - 26:12 Rx
Ernie - 23:55 Rx
Skill: Cossack Squats
20 Double Unders
20 Power Cleans (135#/83#)
40 Double Unders
15 Power Cleans
60 Double Unders
10 Power Cleans
80 Double Unders
5 Power Cleans
Focus on flexibility! Spend an additional 5-10 minutes mobilizing tight areas!
Sean L. - 16:54 65#
Jason G. - 16:23 Rx
Vanessa - 11:00 73#
Delilah - 13:07 58#
Tim - 14:07 Rx
Irish - 15:48 53#
Lindsay Z. - 19:48 83#
Nick Z. - 15:59 Rx
Kaela - 18:23 Rx
Anthony - -- Mod
Megan - 7:18 Rx+
Tom S. - 16:44 Rx
Roheet - 19:33 115#
Kyle - -- Mod
Jen D. - 21:10 53#
Jon C. - -- Mod
Bernie - -- Mod
Skill: Weighted Push Ups
10 Min AMRAP
8 Sit Ups
8 DB/KB Thrusters (35#/20#)
12 DB/KB Walking Lunges
Keep your hips up and abs tight during the weighted push ups. Focus on posture during the thrusters and lunges.
Come out this Sunday to the Silver Creek SportsPlex to help cheer on Taylor and Jenna as they enter their first competition! Starts at 9am and ends around noon.
Kody - 147 30#
Abby - 168 Rx
Tara - 156 Rx
Vanessa - 171 Rx
Jenifer - 233 15#
Teria - 204 15#
Maira - 178 15#
Gaylene - 159 Mod
Kristine - 176 15#
Megan - 249 Rx
Gerard - 141 Rx
Corretta - 164 Rx
Anthony - -- Mod
Ana - 168 Rx
Ryan - 162 30#
Mason - 148 30#
Irish - 156 10#
Tyler B. - -- SPT
Eddie - 162 Rx
Jen D. - 166 Rx
Nicole - 207 Rx
Ronak - 177 Rx
Joe - 204 Mod
Tom S. - 175 Rx
Jordan - -- Mod
Jason K. - -- Mod
Leslie - 162 Rx
Taylor - 126 Rx
Jason G. - 120 Mod
Tim - 149 Rx
Chase - 156 25#
Emily - 227 10#
Adrienne - 218 10#
Chris - 151 Rx
Sara - 203 Rx
Kyle - 162 Rx