Thursday, October 10, 2013

10.10.13 Heet

WOD: Heet

Skill: Handstand Walks or Handstand Holds or Handstand box walks / Landmines

21 - 15 - 9 - 5
200m Run
Lateral Box Jumps (18"/12")

Tip of the Day: If you are kipping your HSPU's be sure to always maintain a constant press in your shoulders, especially while resting your head on the ground.  Use the wall to your benefit by resting your backside on the wall at the bottom.

Abby - 13:36
Regina - 14:57
Orlando - 13:05
Vanessa - 8:23 18"
Victoria - 10:08
Miles - 10:11
BC - 10:09 Rx
Roheet - 9:19
Austin - 9:33
Edwin - 10:09
Jenn M. - 9:49 Mod
Nicole H. - 11:14
Jordan - 11:41
Jason P. - 8:54 Mod
Danny - 7:29 Rx
OJ - 9:26
Elisa - 11:18
Patricia - 10:32
Angie - 10:28
David - 17:01 Rx
Brenda - 9:02
Tim - 13:07 Mod
Heather - 8:11
Bernie - 17:03 Rx
Mark - 17:15 Rx
Rick - 9:11
Adrienne - 10:44
Marika - 10:06
Subhi - 11:32
Ronak - 8:04
Jessica - 14:53
Taylor - 10:10
Mike - 11:21
Fernando M. - 12:00 Rx
Judith - 13:05 Mod

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