Friday, January 3, 2014

1.3.14 The Drain

WOD: The Drain

Skill: Power Snatches

1k Row
20 Dead Lifts (185#/95#)
20 Burpees

Be sure not to get too wide with the feet when jumping the weight overhead during the snatch (and during the clean for that matter).  Spreading your feet too wide will not allow you to squat to your maximum depth if needed.  Pull yourself under the bar with speed, if you have a problem doing so, you are going too heavy.

Jen D. - 28:24 73#
Abby - 32:58 Rx
Tyler M. - 33:25 135#
Adrienne - 28:44 Rx
Joobin - 26:33 Rx
Regina - 30:40 53#
Orlando - 28:59 135#
Rebecca - 27:25 (2+Rds) 35#
Rich - 25:20 Rx
Tom S. - 29:38 Rx
Angela - 31:10 83#
Kat - 26:15 35#
Corretta - 29:08 Rx
Fernando D. - 20:00 Rx
Marika - 29:54 63#
Kristina - 25:30 Rx
Kyle M. - 24:47 Rx
Anthony - 27:00 Rx+
Danny - :) (FGB)
Sean O. - 31:49 Rx
Jaclyn - -- Mod
Jennifer P. - 19:10 (3Rds) Mod
Vanessa - 25:20 Rx
Taylor - 32:20 Rx
Kathryn - :) (FGB)

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