Wednesday, July 3, 2013

7.2.13 Bear Complex

WOD: Bear Complex

Skill:  Dead lift x 8 / Power Clean x 8 / Front Squat x 8 / Push Press x 8

Tabata : 2 Complexes per minute: 40 sec on / 20 sec off - 4 minutes for 3 rounds 
Optional: Add weight at each one minute break.

Dead lift (95#/65#)
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press to back
Back Squat
Push Press to front

Tip of the Day: When adding or subtracting weight from the bar, take a knee instead of bending over at the waist.  Doing this will give your lower back a break and lessen the risk of putting our back into a compromised position by bending over.

 Mark going through a complex...

Rich - 155# Rx++
Ben - 155# Rx++
Lindsay Z. - 53#
Abby - 63# Rx
Bryce - 65#
Vanessa Ch. - 53#
Sergio - 65#
Jeff - 100#
Fernando - 125# Rx+
Tim - 115# Rx
Monike - 25#
Jessyka - 53#
Tara - 53#
Victoria - 30#
Austin - 115# Rx
Heather - 35#
Jenna - 85# Rx+
Jenn - 14:37 (Mod)
Mark - 115# Rx
Brian N. - 105#
Sean O. - 105#
Nicole H. - 70# Rx
Eddie - 95#
Lindsay D. - 35#
Jason P. - 70#
Jake - 105#
Brenda - 40#
Angie - 40#
Lindsay Z. - 53#
Nick Z. - 135# Rx++
Rick - 70#
Cindy - 53#
Jamie - 25#
Tyler - 65#
Brandon - 95#
Tom S. - 115# Rx
Jason G. - 105#
Judith - 58#
Justen - 85#
Nicole D. - 35#
Michelle - 25#
Tom D. - 115# Rx

Way to work the bar!

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