Tuesday, February 3, 2015

2.3.15 Gem

WOD: Gem

Skill: Snatch Grip Dead Lifts 5x5 

16 Min EMOM
Odd: Max Double Unders
Even: 5 Ring Dips + 26yd Farmers Carry (35#/25#)

Score total number of double unders. 

Focus: During the snatch grip dead lifts be focused on maintaining posture.  We're not concerned with the bar moving fast but rather if you can maintain the best position possible throughout the entire lift.  The WOD is about surviving... Go all out on the doubles and stay tall with your chest out during the farmer's carry. Good upper body blast after all the squat cleans yesterday.

Tomorrow get ready for a longer WOD with a little running tomorrow.  Chipper Style.

(D indicates Double Unders but assisted dips)
Abby - 246 25#
Nicole S. - 213 15#
Chris S. - 187 35#
Kellie - 112 10#
Carmen - 200 25#
Jesse - 133 25#
Lauren - 293 25#
Sheri - 200 15#
Roheet - 73 35#D
Vanessa - 568 23#D
Kaela - 253 25#D
Joey - 60 35#D
Adam - 61 Rx
Mason - 34 Rx
Angela - 216 25#
Tom S. - 180 Rx
Robert - 129 Rx
Becca - 330 25#D
Joe - 462 Rx
Taylor - 300 Rx
Bob - Mod
Maira - 347 25#
Cindy - 297 25#
Cara - 240 25#
Marika - 306 30#
Kristine - -- 25#
Gaylene - 275 Mod
Andres - 177 25#
Jacque - 368 25#
Heather - 217 25#
Claudia - 243 25#
Jason T. - 451 Rx
Megan - 601 Rx
Chris T. - 210 35#
Tom T. - 343 35#
Mark - 305 35#D
Yajaira - 275 25#
Joobin - 651 Rx
Brenda H. - 267 25#
Michelle - 54 25#
Martin - 107 35#D
Melina - 268 15# 
Leo - -- 25#
Bri - 348 25#
Nick B. - 614 Rx
Dennis - 401 25#D
Danielle - 236 25#D
Karen - 233 20#
Brenda D. - 224 25#D
Tim - 400 Rx
Fernando - 453 Rx
Subhi - 400 35#D
Ana - 259 25#D
Jen D. - 297 25#D
Amarjit - 267 35#

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