Skill: Muscle Ups or Pull Up Progressions
4 Rounds
18 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
20 Renegade Rows
20 Sit Ups
18 KB Swings (20kg/12kg)
Focus: Remember we want to get onto top of the rings in the muscle up, so speed from an explosive hip action is needed. Don't hold back.
Regina - 14:59
Vanessa - 15:19
Carmen - 13:57
Matt - Mod
Becca - 15:06
Marika - 18:22
Manish - 18:45
Nick N. - 16:17
Beth - 17:04
Andres - 18:26
Adam - 14:52
Ryan - 14:11
Chase - Mod
Megan - 11:21
Joe - Mod
Jenifer - 19:43
Jose - 20:14
Jason G. - 23:51 (5)
Fernando - 12:29
Brenda D. - 14:12
Robert - 12:27
Tara - Mod
Mason - 13:20
Dennis - Mod
Cindy - 15:32
Bob - Mod
Gaylene - 14:41
Kristine - 16:57
Trinh - 18:54
Nino - 20:04
Sruthi - 20:33
Melina - 19:01
Stephanie B. - 15:48
Vince - 19:02
Chris T. - 16:10
Tim - 12:24
Brenda H. - 19:23
Tony - 16:18
Lauren - 15:07
Emily - 18:52
Adrienne - 15:15
Danielle - 16:03
Jenna - 11:01
Nita - 14:52
Kaela - 17:37
Maira - 17:20
Irish - 17:44
Ana - 15:07
Amelia - 14:20
Abraham - 13:56
Karen - 21:19
Subhi - 14:58
Ram - 12:48
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