Sunday, November 9, 2014

11.9.14 Sunday Funday

WOD: Sunday Funday

Skill: Kipping Practice

15 Min AMRAP
10 Burpees

10 Thrusters (95#/65#)
10 Pull Ups

Find a rhythm and keep it! Legs and abs need to be tight to continuously kip pull ups.

Prince - 126 53#
Mason - 130 RX
Ryan - 127 75#
Jason G. - 90 Rx
Jenna - 207 Rx
Danielle - 112 Rx
Sergio - 131 Rx
Vanessa - 134 Rx
Delilah - 123 53#
Brenda H. - 132 53#
Maira - 126 53#
Helen - 120 43#
Nita - 130 33#

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