Friday, September 13, 2013

9.13.13 Baron

WOD: Baron

Skill: Push Press / S.D.H.P.

E.M.O.T.M. - 15 mins
3 H.S.P.U's
5 Dead lifts (185#/135#)
9 Plate Crunches (45#/25#)

Tip of the Day: Be sure to set your bottom position before your first pull on the dead lift.  If we are not set to lift, you will likely default in to a bad position and it is impossible to regain proper form mid-lift.  Set up and maintaining position are key!

Good back positions!

Abby - 15 Rounds 135#
Lindsay Z. - 15 Rds 103#
Fernando D. - 15 Rds Rx
Chris B. - 15 Rds 75#
Fernando M. - 15 Rds Rx
Danny - 15 Rds Rx
Orlando - 15 Rds 75#
OJ - 15 Rds 95#
Nicole H. - 15 Rds 123#
Marika - 15 Rds 63#
Edwin - 15 Rds 65#
Brandon - 15 Rds 135#
Tom S. - 15 Rds Rx
Anthony - 14 Rds 65#
Angela - 15 Rds 63#
Keri - 15 Rds 73#
Jenn - 15 Rds Mod
Jennifer P. - 15 Rds Mod
Cara - 15 Rds 53#
Mike - 15 Rds 95#
Sean O. - 15 Rds

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