Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Goals this holiday (Response Required)!

Let's hear some of your personal fitness goals for this holiday season...

Ready, go!


  1. I am going to try and run more and work on my endurance. More track and trail days! I'll be sure to post when I am going and anyone can come join!

    1. I would be up to any hiking events! Running not so much lol

    2. Right on! We'll plan some soon!

  2. I am going to stay very committed to a consistent healthy diet and work out routine through the holidays (and the honeymoon) so I can start 2014 better than ever!

  3. That a way Linds! Stick with it. Keep up the healthy diet and consistency with your work out routine. You've been one of our most consistent members and it's paying off!!

  4. My goal is to run 5-10 miles a week.

  5. 2014: Year of the sit up

    That's my goal, master the sit up and learn to love it.

  6. My holiday goals are to stay consistent with my workouts and my clean eating, and to continue lowering my BF% :) A goal in the gym: Master the double unders!

  7. Let's turn our weaknesses into strengths! A little extra each day goes a long way! Hold yourself accountable. We all work hard enough; don't let your efforts in the gym go to waste by poor decisions outside the gym! Let's go!!

  8. Lol. Had to throw in the burritos Tim.

  9. Lose another 11#s and do a full HSPU without the support of a box.

  10. Flexibility! I've never been very flexible and in just a few months with Myo I've seen a big difference but far from where I need to be. Keep stretching!

  11. We'll keep working on it Joe! We've seen drastic improvements over the last few weeks. Subhi, good job last night. We got you up on the wall, now we'll keep working on the range and strength in your shoulders to support you while inverted. Good goals!

  12. Short term goal would be ring dips.....long term goal would be a muscle up! :D

  13. You got 'em both Tara! Let's work a little harder on them each week!

  14. Rope climb and double unders. Especially the double unders...

  15. Keep practicing OJ! They're starting to click more and more. For the rope climbs we need to focus on your grip strength. I'll show you a few exercises to help with that.
