Saturday, May 11, 2013

5.10.13 Sprinter

WOD: The Sprinter

Skill: Double Unders

16 Min AMRAP (Rounds)
30 Double Unders 3:1=90 Singles
20 KB Swings 2pood/1pood (Half Crescent)
15 Lunging DB Rows (30#/15#)
15 Toes to Bar

Tip of the Day:  To ensure weight loss, manage your calories in and calories out.  You must burn more than you take in.  This creates a calorie deficit promoting BF% reduction.

Abby - 3 Rounds + 30 Rx+
Kenia - 4 Rounds + 31
Tom'D. - 4 Rounds Rx
Tony - 3 Rounds
Sean O. - 4 Rounds + 45
Vanessa - 4 Rounds + 20
Sergio - 4 Rounds + 37
Amy - 2 Rounds + 48
Jenn - 4 Rounds + 47
Jenna - 4 Rounds + 30 Rx
Tom S. - 3 Rounds + 2
Nicole - 4 Rounds + 78
Sean L. - 3 Rounds +72
Ed -  3 Rounds + 40

Have a great weekend!

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