Tuesday, September 30, 2014

9.30.14 Wheedle

WOD: Wheedle

Skill: Power Cleans 5x5 @80%

12 Min EveryMinuteOntheMinute (EMOM)
30 Double Unders
15 Hand Release Push Ups (X-Fit)

90 single unders to scale and for those that are looking to Rx+ we'll go for 40 double unders and 20 push ups.  Get ready to work some muscle up progressions tomorrow...


Nick Z. - 10+15 Rx
Lindsay Z. - 12
Jen D. - 12 Rx
Teria - 12 Rx
Tammy- 12
Brandon - 12
Kristine - 12
Gaylene - 12
Zoey - 10
Kody - 12 Rx
Adam - 11+4
Tom S. - 11+4 Rx
Carla - 12
Lindsay D. - 12
Tara - 12 Rx
Gagan - 8
Mason -  12
Nicole H. - 12 Rx+
Becca - 12 Rx
Irish - Mod
Jordan - Mod
Joe - 12 Rx+
Bernie - Mod
Amarjit - 12 
Ram - 12 Rx
Bob - Mob
Cara - 12
Jovany - 12
Cross - 12
Brenda D. - 12
Martin - 12
Delilah - 12
Jenna - 12 Rx
Jacque - 12
Cindy - 12
Jenifer - 12
Chris - 12
Danielle - 12
Mark - 12 Rx
Kaela - 12 Rx
Kat - 12
Lauren - 12
Tony - 12
Karen - 12
Jason T. - 12 Rx+
Subhi - 12 Rx
Eddie - 12 Rx
Tim - 12 Rx+
Stephanie V. - 12 
Dennis - 12 Rx+
Igdalia - 12
Rosa - 12
Anthony - 12 Rx
Maira - 12
Raghu - 12
Ana - 12 Rx
Brenda H. - 12
Travis - 12 Rx

Monday, September 29, 2014

9.29.14 Teller

WOD: Teller

Skill: Bulgarian Split Squats

4 Rounds.
30 American KB Swings (32kg/20kg)
20 Toe to Ring
30 Russian Twists

Be sure to sign up for our October 11th Throw down and potluck!  This will be our second annual Myo Mayhem Throw down and is for Myo members only.  We will have an Rx division and a Masters division!  Sign up to bring an appetizer, main dish, or dessert!

Regina - 3+20 14kg
Orlando - 2+35 20kg
Joobin - 18:43 24kg
Nicole C. - 3+45 10kg
Chris S. - 2+37 14kg
Teria - 24:17 14kg
Eddie - 2+50 24kg
Abby - 17:08 16kg
Eric Sr. - 36:00 20kg
Kristine - 20:40 16kg
Gaylene - 15:39 18kg
Irish - 25:19 12kg
Mason - 24:04 24kg
Tom S. - 26:16 Rx
Tyler - 21:01 12kg
Carla - 27:10 8kg
Jen D. - 19:59 12kg
Jordan - Mod
Becca - 23:53 12kg
Ram - 20:57 20kg
Joe - 14:24 Rx
Sean P. - 17:56 20kg
Amarjit - 15:56 16kg
Jennifer P. - 13:57 10kg
Cara - 18:44 10kg
Megan - 13:22 Rx
Brenda H. - 21:47 12kg
Maira - 19:31 12kg
Robert - Mod
Kody - 14:18 20kg
Jenna - 17:48 Rx+
Nicole H. - 19:36 Rx
Delilah - 20:06 12kg
Tara - 13:42 Rxish
Martin - 20:50 12kg
Cindy - 21:22 16kg
Chris T. - Mod
Brenda D. - 15:22 16kg
Jacque - 14:28 14kg
Danielle - 23:52 Rx
Kyle - 19:50 Rx
Mari - 25:36 14kg
Ronak - 22:42 18kg
Nick B. - 20:39 Rx
Crystal - 25:16 12kg
Jason Re. - 278 20kg
Steve P. - 21:29 12kg
Santhi - 24:00 (3) 8kg
Nick Z. - 20:10 24kg
Lindsay Z. - 19:03 16kg
Dennis - 16:17 20kg
Anthony - Mod
Ana - 18:23 16kg
Suma - 19:30 8kg
Raghu - 23:28 10kg
Adrienne - 22:38 8kg
Rick - 18:57 16kg
Helen - 20:50 8kg

Sunday, September 28, 2014

9.28.14 Sunday Funday

WOD: Sunday Funday

Skill: Heavy Russian KB Swings 5x5

60 Double Unders
50 AbMat Sit Ups
40 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
20 Cleans (115#/73#)
20 Shoulder to Overhead (115#/73#)
10 Strict Burpees

Chris T. - 14:15 95#
Jessica - 15:07 53#
Kyle - 11:37 Rx
Mari - 18:39 65#/35#
Maira - 13:48 53#
Joobin - Mod
Orlando - 11:02 Rx
OJ - 12:58 45#
Regina - 16:51 73#
Suma - 19:39 15#
Raghhu - 19:15 43#

Saturday, September 27, 2014

9.27.14 @cspealler

WOD: @cspealler

Skill: Tabata Plank Holds (Feet on Wall)

5 Rounds for time.
20 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
10 Hang Power Cleans (155#/105#)

Danielle - 21:15 Rx
Jenna - 15:54 Rx
Kody - 14:52 135#
Yajaira - 24:12 63#
Tyler B. - 17:28 85#
Jovany - 18:42 85#
Subhi - 18:33 125#
Santhi - 18:20 20#
Ana - 18:09 83#
Igdalia - 22:38 63#
Brandon - 11:04 85#
Gagan - 20:15 65#
Delilah - 17:09 63#
Chris T. - 17:03 115#
Megan - 10:20 Rx
Joobin - 170# Snatch PR
Dennis - 8:55 Amanda @95#
Tom S. - Mod
Raghu - 20:36 33#
Suma - 18:26 15#
Anthony - 215# Clean PR

Friday, September 26, 2014

9.26.14 Wild Card

WOD: Wild Card

Skill: Farmer's Carry

For time.
30 Alternating KB Swings (24kg/16kg)
Run 600m
30 Overhead Squats (95#/63#)
Run 600m
20 Alternating KB Swings
Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats
Run 400m
10 Alternating KB Swings
Run 200m
10 Overhead Squats

Sign up for our In-House Throwdown on October 11th!

Nicole H. - 20:04 Rx
Carmen - 17:37 Mod
Kristine - 19:02 43#
Nicole C. - 20:14 15#
Chris S. - 21:12 33#
Leslie - 12:07 (30) Rx
Cara - 22:08 35#
Teria - 18:51 33#
Kody - 16:45 Mod
Joey - 19:24 Rx
Regina - 16:43 43#
Orlando - 19:43 65#
Jenifer - 21:09 53#
Mason - 20:29 65#
Eric Sr. - 17:20 45#
Tom S. - 16:19 Rx
Brandon - 18:39 65#
Irish - 24:19 38#
Stephanie V. - 18:39 33#
Jen D. - 27:26 53#
Roheet - 24:18 95#
Bernie - Mod
Jordan - Mod
Brenda D. - 20:04 Rx
Tim - Mod
Steve V. - 19:25 75#
Ana - 17:20 33#
Joobin - 19:40 Rx
Joe - Mod
Cross - Mod
Cindy - 19:24 33#
Amarjit - 21:56 65#
Ram - 21:34 Rx
Gaylene - 11:31 Mod
Kaela - 23:02 33#
Ronak - 17:50 33#
Subhi - 20:11 85#
Lauren - 17:13 15#
Karen - 25:04 33#
Kyle - 18:11 Rx

Thursday, September 25, 2014

9.25.14 It's All Good

WOD: It's All Good

Skill: Dead lifts 5x5 @ 75-85% of 1RM

For time.
50 Walking Lunges
25 Hollow Rocks
50 Double Unders
25 Box Jumps (24"/20")
50 Push Ups
25 Knee to Elbow

Angelina - 13:17
Jen D. - 13:48
Cindy - 13:23
Orlando - 13:28
Regina - 11:59
Joey - 12:39
Gaylene - 12:05
Kristine - 11:12
Kody - 11:28
Adam - 11:52
Jordan G. - 9:05 Mod
Tom S. - 10:57
Irish - 11:44
Mason - 12:09
Angela - 13:11 Tyler - 11:01
Anthony - Mod
Ronak - 8:36
Brenda D. - 9:07
Joe - 6:30 
Maria V. - 10:29
Amarjit - 10:15
Sean P. - 7:54
Karen - 15:37
Stephanie V. - 17:25
Steve V. - 6:55
Megan - 14:52 (x2)
Jovany - 14:40
Danielle - 11:11
Joobin - 8:03
Leslie - 10:39
Maira - 9:33
Brenda H. - 11:26
Jenna - 10:17
Chris T. - 12:56
Kyle - 8:57
Lindsay D. - 11:10
Tara - 8:57
Carmen - 9:11
Mark - 11:55
Stephanie B. - 10:44
Lindsay Z. - 11:52
Subhi - 12:30
Robert - 8:52
Crystal - 10:16
Jason Re. - 14:44
Helen - 16:50
Adrienne - 11:14
Rick - 13:46
Jessica Hg. - 12:26
Fernando M. - 13:39

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

9.24.14 The Good Life

WOD: The Good Life

Skill: HSPU's 5x10

10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
Pull Ups
Ring Dips
Thrusters (95#/73#)

Be aware of your elbow position during the HSPU's.  The elbows should track in closer to the body rather than flare out to the sides.

Kody - 13:45 Rx
Nicole C. - 22:05 35#
Chris S. - 25:45 45#
Joobin - 13:58 Rx
Brenda D. - 19:08 63#
Teria - 19:10 53#
Joey - 19:59 Mod
Eric Sr. - 28:35 95#
Brandon - 15:45 65#
Angela - 19:08 53#
Kristine - 23:02 53#
Gaylene - Mod
Mason - 21:09 Rx
Irish - 23:45 53#
Jen D. - 23:15 53#
Jordan - Mod
Joe - 10:58 Rx
Carla - Row
Karen - 27:46 53#
Cara - 21:20 43#
Yajaira - 21:25 53#
Delilah - 22:03 53#
Leslie - 20:04 73#
Danielle - 18:18 75#
Jenna - 20:50 75#
Nicole H. - 23:24 73#
Ram - 18:24 95#
Cindy - 21:48 63#
Mark - 29:47 Rx
Marika - 20:20 48#
Kyle - 18:48 Rx
Mari - 25:08 43#
Jason T. - 20:30 Rx
Nick B. - 11:01 Rx
Ronak - 21:15 63#
Crystal - 18:58 53#
Jason Re. - 25:01 95#
Lauren - 15:59 53#
Tony - 25:50 65#
Subhi - 23:21 95#
Carmen - 11:03 53#
Adrienne - 20:20 43#
Tim - 17:20 Rx
Gaylene - 9:09 Mod
Suma - 12:25 15#
Raghu - 18:25 33#
Ana - 21:42 73#
Igdalia - 21:26 43#
Anthony - 11:51 Rx
Jessica - 13:39 43#
Fernando M. - 17:32 Rx

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

9.23.14 The Lounge

WOD: The Lounge

Skill: Hanging High Pulls 7,7,7,7,7,7,7

6 Rounds.
15 RKBS (32kg/20kg)
20 Sit Ups
15 Bar Rows
Run 150m w/MB (20#/14#)

Practice using the hookgrip during the skills.  This skill will help keep your arms locked out during cleans and snatches.

Jovany - 24:03 18kg
Angelina - 20:43 (5) 8kg
Joobin - 14:44 Rx
Orlando - 24:15 Rx
Regina - 24:14 16kg
Steve P. - 22:16 20kg
Maira - 19:00 12kg
Teria - 20:46 14kg
Fernando D. - 19:44 Rx
Brandon - 20:29 18kg
Adam - 22:03 Rx
Tammy - 20:54 14kg
Mason - 21:54 Rx
Tom S. - 16:47 24kg
Joey - 16:09 Rx+
Kody - 15:35 Rx
Angela - 22:28 14kg
Tyler - 18:54 16kg
Jen D. - 22:55 Rx
Irish - 19:09 14kg
Jordan - Mod
Jenifer - 21:02 12kg
Megan - 13:15 Rx+
Nicole H. - 15:21 Rx+
Ana - 15:24 Rx+
Ronak - 15:01 16kg
Robert - 18:33 Rx
Joe - 15:15 Rx
Cara - 28:32 12kg
Sam - SPT
Yajaira - 31:50 14kg
Jason Re. - 18:41 20kg
Crystal - 21:56 18kg
Cindy - 20:34 18kg
Kyle - 16:49 Rx
Tim - 21:16 Rx
Jason T. - 20:51 24kg
Marika - 17:22 16kg
Kristine - 17:13 Rx
Gaylene - 19:00 Mod
Lauren - 16:30 16kg
Tony - 22:59 20kg
Subhi - 20:03 Rx
Brenda H. - 20:38 14kg
Karen - 23:32 12kg
Carmen - 16:22 Rx
Helen - 24:20 8kg
Stephanie V. - 24:29 12kg
Jessica Hg. - 18:11 12kg
Brenda D. - 17:03 Rx
Raghu - 22:24 10kg
Nick Z. - 22:02 20kg
Lindsay Z. - 19:54 16kg
Maria V. - 20:02 16kg
Anthony - 18:08 Rx
Amarjit - 18:16 20kg
Gerard - 19:12 Rx
Santhi - 24:19 8kg

Monday, September 22, 2014

9.22.14 Miner

WOD: Miner (Happy Birthday Blane!)

Skill: Back Squats 5,5,5,3,3,3,1,1,1 - PR Option

4 RFT.
16 DB Snatches
20 X-Fit Push Ups
31 Double Unders

Weight by feel.  Find a challenging weight for the snatches and jump!!

Strive for virtuosity.  Do the common uncommonly well and watch your fitness levels increase.  Focusing on position, depth, and speed will lead to heavier loads when it's time.  Quality movement should be a priority for everyone!!

Orlando - 18:40 40#
Regina -15:13 20#
Grant - 22:54 25#
Teria - 12:36 25#
Fernando D. - 11:48 50# Rx
Kristine - 11:12 25#
Gaylene - 13:52 30#
Eric Sr. - 19:30 30#
Gagan - 17:59 30#
Mason - 13:40 35#
Ana - 11:10 25# Rx
Tom S. - 11:33 45# Rx
Pat - 18:05 10#
Jen D. - 16:57 25# Rx
Joe - 11:19 75# Rx
Kody - 19:31 60# Rx
Brenda D. - 10:48 25#
Sean O. - 14:47 40#
Maira - 10:44 20#
Amarjit - 12:45 45#
Ram - 13:16 50# Rx
Vanessa - 11:00 25# Rx
Danielle - 14:40 30#
Delilah - 13:28 20#
Nicole H. - 9:42 30# Rx
Jason P. - 12:48 30# Rx
Brenda H. - 12:41 20#
Chris T. - 17:04 45#
Joobin - 10:53 50# Rx
Jenna - 10:21 35# Rx
Carla - 19:15 15#
Cindy - 12:44 20#
Kyle - 10:42 45# Rx
Mari - 14:34 20#
Helen - 17:52 10#
Ronak - 12:02 30#
Jenifer - 16:17 15#
Tim - 10:45 30# Rx
Subhi - 14:43 40# Rx
Carmen - 10:42 10#
Yajaira - 17:39 15#
Marika - 13:09 20#
Jason T. - 12:10 30# Rx
Nick B. -  16:37 Mod
Stephanie V. - 19:48 15#
Anthony - 11:26 50# Rx
Raghu - 17:32 10#
Suma - 16:30 5#
Raghu - 17:32 10#
Santhi - 14:02 10#
Steve P. - 10:18 30#
Adrienne - 11:59 15#
Kaela - 15:38 20# Rx
Robert - 12:23 45#

Sunday, September 21, 2014

9.21.14 Sunday Funday

WOD: Sunday Funday

Skill: KB Straight Leg Dead lifts

4 Rounds.
15 Wall Balls
10 High Knees
5 Dead lifts

Weight by feel.

Jovany - 14:07
Megan - 6:59 Rx
Vanessa - 14:36 Rx
Delilah - 14:53 85#
Maira - 13:08 85#
Brenda H. - 14:36 115#
Nick B. - 13:14 Rx
Danielle - 12:06 125#
Jenna - 11:25 Rx
Raghu - 17:40 
Suma - 16:19

Saturday, September 20, 2014

9.20.14 Compost

WOD: Compost

Skill: L-Hold Practice

30 C2B Pull Ups
Run 400m
15 Front Squats (155#/103#)
Run 800m
15 Front Squats
Run 400m
30 C2B Pull Ups

No rack for the Rx.  Hit it hard!

Abby - 18:59 53#
Gerard - 19:08 155#
Subhi - 16:34 115#
Danielle - 20:22 105#
Lindsay Z. - 20:01 53#
Kody - 16:31 155#
Koey - 18:52 Rx
Jenna - 22:02 Rx
Megan - 16:21 Rx+
Tom S. - 16:53 Rx
Mason - 20:07 115#
Regina - 20:14 63#
Orlando - 21:08 135#
Mari - 27:45 53#
Kyle - 22:15 155#
Brandon - 16:36 85#
Nicole H. - 18:52 83#
Ram - 23:30 155#
Irish - 21:35 73#
Nick B. - 35:06 Linda Rx
Joobin - 8:54 Cuffy Rx
Chris T. - Mod
Raghu - 17:52 12kg
Suma - 17:33 10kg
Tim - 38:35 Linda Rx
Anthony - Mod
Robert - 18:29 155#

Congrats to all this week's PR's!!

Friday, September 19, 2014

9.19.14 Georgia

WOD: Georgia

Skill: Power Snatch 8,8,8,8,8

21 - 15 - 9
Tire Flips

Keep your back straight and chest out while lifting the tires!

Steve P. - 11:45
Jen D. - 11:47
Nicole C. - 12:31
Chris S. - 12:19
Joobin - 7:16
Nick Z. - 11:11
Lindsay Z. - 11:00
Orlando - 10:34
Regina - 11:25
Tyler - 11:00
Gerard - 12:07 Rx
Eric Sr. - 17:00
Kristine - 9:17
Gaylene - 8:47
Mason - 13:29
Joey - 12:35 Rx
Jason P. - 9:02
Irish - 9:39
Tom S. - 13:34 Rx
Miles - 9:03
Jenifer - 9:49
Anthony - Mod
Robert - 10:02
Megan - 8:15
Joe - 7:51
Stephani e- 9:05
Danielle - 11:14
Brenda H. - 16:30
Cindy - 16:55
Marika - 16:27
Gina - 16:58
Lauren - 16:52
Cross - 16:33
Kody - 12:46 Rx
Sean L. - 11:11
Crystal - 10:29
Chris T. - 14:52
Amarjit - 9:18
Subhi - 10:35
Kaela - 10:53
Kyle - 13:19
Mari - 12:45
Ram - 8:03