Skill: Back Squats 5,5,3,3,3,1,1,1,1
4 Rounds of:
(20 secs on / 10 secs off)
1 Min of Double Unders
1 Min of Hang Cleans (95#/73#)
1 Min Sit Ups
Focus: Heavy Squats. 3 minute tabata with one minute rest in between rounds. Try and do every working set of 20 seconds unbroken. Move fast!
Jen D. - 303 Rx
Carmen - 381 73#
Jesse - 302 65#
Orlando - 348 65#
Regina - 319 73#
Becca - 386 63#
Kellie - 313 53#
John - 336 95#
Tom T. - 392 75#
Chris O. - 302 75#
Nick N. - 322 85#
Eric G. - 266 75#
Adam - 348 95#
Mason - 376 95#
Carla - 306 25#
Ryan - 366 95#
Angela - 294 63#
Lindsay Z. - 238 63#
Tara - 213 73#
Joobin - 454 Rx
Tim - 398 Rx
Sean L. - 321 75#
Megan - 493 Rx
Bob - Mod
Joe - 407 Rx
Brenda D. - 367 73#
Patrica - 280 35#
Cindy - 345 73#
Angie - 272 63#
Delilah - 429 73#
Kristine - 336 Rx
Mark - 354 Rx
Stephanie B. - 308 63#
Vanessa C. - 331 Rx
Chase - 354 95#
Trinh - 234 25#
Melina - 291 33#
Bethanie - 374 53#
Yajaira - 361 63#
Matt - 301 95#
Jacque - 419 73#
Gaylene - 384 73#
Andres - 299 95#
Ray - 251 65#
Jewi - 286 15#
Brenda H. - 383 63#
Tom S. - 288 Rx
Nick B. - 461 Rx
Kaela - 302 Rx
Jenifer - 311 33#
Steve P. - 300 75#
Ram - 324 115#
Maira - 401 63#
Danielle - 312 Rx
Vanessa G. - 231 53#
Jessica - 300 33#
Ana - 339 Rx
Amy - 295 53#
Ian - 379 75#
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