Skill: Power Snatches 5x7
4 Rounds
15 Hand to Elbow Planks
20 Power Cleans (135#/103#)
15 Sit Ups
10 Burpees
Focus: We stress technique everyday, sometimes you just have to trust your practice and let it rip. Practice moving fast, test your self. If you fail that's okay, consider it a working rep to improve yourself. Power snatch is all about positioning and speed!
BBQ this Sunday @ Noon (Almaden Lake)!
Jesse - 165 65#
Orlando - 180 115#
Regina - 172 83#
Jen D. - 181 83#
Leslie - 85 83#
Teria - 183 63#
Eric Sr. - 180 95#
Sruthi - 190 35#
Mason - 190 Rx
Amarjit - 175 115#
Ram - 200 135#
Tom S. - 205 Rx
Jenifer - 173 63#
Ryan - 207 115#
Andres - 215 95#
Jennifer P. - 9:22 Mod
Joe - 15:56 Rx
Megan - 15:07 Rx
Becca - 18:23 63#
Brenda D. - 202 83#
Mark B. - 201 Rx
Cindy - 172 93#
Maira - 216 63#
Simon - 120 55#
Tom T. - 210 105#
Marika - 205 63#
Vanessa C. - 216 83#
Delilah - 195 73#
Nicole H. - 232 83#
Jacque - 190 Rx
Matt - 144 95#
Melina - 195 45#
Brenda H. - 210 63#
Christina - 181 35#
Chris T. - 184 115#
Ray - 213 85#
Jewi - 230 15#
Kaela - 173 83#
Irish - 199 83#
Jason T. - Mod
Gaylene - 232 83#
Travis - 155 Rx
Ana - 232 83#
Lauren - 19:50 83#
Fernando - 18:54 Rx
Tony - 155 115#
Angie - 120 53#
Adrienne - 19:08 53#
Danielle - 217 103#
Jessica - 227 53#
Ian - 225 95#
Eric G. - 19:14 65#
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