Tuesday, December 31, 2013

12.31.13 Wood

WOD: Wood (Mod)

Skill: Focused & Controlled Knee to Elbows 3x10

5 RFT w/ 1 min rest after each round
25 Double Unders
10 Burpee Box Jumps (24"/18")
10 SDHP (95#/65#)
10 Thrusters (95#/65#)

Focus on using your legs to raise and lower the weight during the SDHP, any sort of hinging and unhinging at the waist will lead to a very sore back tomorrow.  Stay tight in the core!  Posture during the Thruster!
Jen D. - 25:30 43#
Regina - 28:59 43#
Orlando - 32:17 75#
Victoria - 23:30 (4) 25#
Tyler M.  - 30:19 65#
Lindsay Z. - 22:10 Rx
Nick Z. - 28:45 (4) Rx
Bernie - -- Mod
Jaclyn - 23:39 35#
Nicole - 25:21 Rx
Robert - 26:59 95#
Vanessa - 23:38 53#
Delilah - 24:40 33#
Taylor - 34:01 Rx
Amarjit - 21:12 65#
Joe - 18:00 Rx
Stephanie - 20:14 53#
Mark B. - 30:31 Rx
Fernando D. - 18:39 Rx
Jason T. - -- Mod
Joobin - 24:46 Rx
Kyle M. - 24:53 Rx
Kristina - 27:53 Rx
Kaela - -- Rx
Tim - 23:20 Rx
Bob - -- Mod
Massi - Mod

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