Tuesday, April 30, 2013

4.29.13 Pheezy

WOD: Pheezy (Mod)

Skills:  8x3 Front Squats, 8 Tire Flips

3 Rounds for time.
5 Front Squats (80%BW/60%BW)
18 Jumping Pull Ups
18 Toes to Bar
5 Handstand Push Ups
18 KB Swings (2 pood/1 pood)
5 Tire Flips

Tip of the Day:  Ice! If you are experiencing any soreness after a workout be sure to ice those areas for about 20 minutes.  Icing will help reduce inflammation, begin the recovery process, and decrease the amount of soreness you experience the next day. 

Kenia - 13:32
Ronak - 12:35
Tom S. - 44:10
Jenna - 14:28 Rx
Jenn - 16:21
Sean O. - 18:01
Brock - 17:03
Nicole - 14:37
Brian P. - 19:17
Greg - 35:17 Rx
Elisa - 14:15
Fernando - 14:09
Natalie - 13:37
Jeff - 10:59
Tim - 13:10
Kaela - 14:23
Jason P. - 11:56
Nick - 14:54 Rx
Lindsay Z. - 9:04
Jason G. - 12:59

Nice job with the front squat and flippin' those tires!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

4.27.13 Klepto

WOD: The Klepto 

Skill:  DLHP 5x5

4 Rounds for time.
27 Box Jumps (24")
20 Burpees
11 Dead lift High Pulls (135#/65#)
5 Sit Up, Stand Ups

Tip of the Day:  Never skip meals.  Most people believe that eating more leads to gaining more.  The fact is that eating more of the right foods at the right times can have great health benefits.  Never skip breakfast; and make sure each meal is packed with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.

Lindsay Z. - 20:09
Jeff - 22:49
Jenn - 21:12
Tim - 22:44
Kaela - 30:08
Sean L. - 29:39
Rich - 19:38 Rx
Jason G. - 31:07 Rx

Eat well, stretch frequently, and get some sleep! See you next week!

Women and CrossFit

We have many women ask what sort of transformation they expect to see after doing CrossFit.  Many are concerned about bulking up.  CrossFit in conjunction with a drug-free training program will create lean functional mass and decreased body fat.  Muscle weighs more than fat and during the beginning phase of a CrossFit program many women will experience an increase in muscle density while losing fat.  This results in a slight increase in body weight which usually causes alarm.  However no need to worry, over time with consistency, you will start to see a significant drop in body fat, increased lean muscle mass, and a more defined and toned physique.

Check out this article written by Keller Williams that was featured in Health & Fitness on 9/16/09.

The CrossFit Women Phenomena

4.26.13 MJ


Every minute on the minute for 23 Mins.

4 KB Squats (2-12 Kg)

6 Push Ups (X-Fit)
10 Oblique Knee Raises

Tip of the Day: "Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win." - Sun Tzu

Keep it positive! Have a plan and stick to it. If you get knocked down, get up and keep going!

Jeff - 14 Rounds
Kenia - 20 Rounds
Lindsay Z. - 21 Rounds
Nick - 14 Rounds
Tom S. - 16 Rounds
Tom'D. - 23 Rounds Rx
Jenna - 23 Rounds Rx
Luc - 23 Rounds Rx
Jenn - 23 Rounds Rx
Eric Sr. - 15 Rounds Rx

Have a great weekend!

Friday, April 26, 2013

4.25.13 Nanny

WOD: The Nanny

Skills:  Clean & Jerk

15 Min AMRAP
4 Clean & Jerk
15 Crunches
50 Jumprope

Tip of the Day:  Go at your own pace!  Find your own intensity. Start light, build your foundation of strength and range of motion.  Worry not about others in the class as they are likely at different levels of fitness.  Find what works for you and increase your own output!

Rich - 7 Rounds @ 165# + 15 JR (547 Reps)
Lindsay Z. - 9 Rounds @ 55# + 4 C&J (625 Reps)
Jeff - 7 Rounds @ 35# (483 Reps)
Fernando - 12 Rounds @ 75# + 2 Crunches (834 Reps)
Jason - 12 Rounds @ 45# + 4 C&J (832 Reps)
Kyle M. - 6 Rounds @ 135# (414 Reps)
Brian N. - 8 Rounds @ 115# (552 Reps)
Sean L. - 8 Rounds @ 75# + 4 C&J (536 Reps)
Tom'D. - 11 Rounds @ 115# + 13 Crunches (778 Reps)
Ronak - 11 Rounds @ 35# + 4 C&J (763 Reps)
Nicole - 11 Rounds @ 35# + 14 Crunches (777 Reps)
Brian P. - 10 Rounds @ 45# + 4 C&J (694 Reps)
Lindsay D. - 8 Rounds @ 25# + 15 Crunches (571 Reps)
Sean O. - 12 Rounds @ 85# + 15 Crunches (847 Reps)
Kaela - 8 Rounds @ 15# + 10 Crunches (566 Reps)
Tim - 10 Rounds @ 65# + 11 JR (720 Reps)
Kyle P. - 9 Rounds @ 65# + 11 Crunches (636 Reps)

Great work with the clean & jerk today!  Thank you to Kaela, Tim, and Kyle P. for coming in, you guys killed the WOD for first timers!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

4.24.13 Rebound

WOD: The Rebound!

6 Rounds for time
12 KB Swings (2 pood/1 pood)
Run 1 Lap
18 Hand to Elbow Planks
36 Bent Over Rows (30-60#, 5-25#)

Tip of the Day:  Every day ask yourself how you will make your life healthier.  It can be as easy as drinking more water or parking further away from your destination.  It is all about habits, work daily to develop good routines to fight bad habits.

Rich - 16:44 Rx
Danielle - 18:37 Rx
Elisa - 16:19 Rx+
Kenia - 21:49
Lindsay Z. - 17:04 Rx
Jenn - 19:50 Rx
Fernando - 16:18 Rx
Taylor - 19:01 Rx
Brock - 19:20
Ronak - 12:37 Rx
Nicole - 13:05 Rx
Jeff - 26:34
Jason - 17:14
Bob - 20:36
Sean O. - 15:06 Rx
David - 37:31
Marika - 23:18
Kendal - 24:53
Devon - 22:29

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

4.23.13 Fran

WOD: Fran / Fran (Mod)

21, 15, 9
Thrusters (95#/65#)
Pull Ups
Max Dead lift

Tip of the Day:  What is a snack?  A snack is a small nutritious food that has 50-200 calories.  It should provide some protein and or fiber.  Try to carry small snacks with you even if it means packing a cooler!  Take an hour or so on the weekend to pre-make and pre-pack your snacks.

Lindsay Z. - 5:10, 85# (PR)
Rich - 5:17 Rx, 375#
Jeff - 6:44, n/a
Kenia - 6:58, 15#
Ronak - 3:42, 135# (PR)
Luc - 5:48 Rx, 405# (7 Reps)
Jenna - 6:11, 235# (PR)
Jason - 6:42, 145# (PR)
Fernando - 6:17, 245# (PR)
Jenn - 7:04, 135# (PR)
Gina F. - 7:40, 165# (PR)
Brian N. - 5:15 Rx, 315#
Eric - 4:50 Rx, 405#
Brock - 10:16, 165# (PR)
Tom'D - 11:11 Rx, 245# (PR)
Sean O. - 4:43, 245# (PR)
Nick - 7:17 Rx, 405#
Greg - 9:45 Rx, 335# (PR)
Lindsay D. - 4:48, 45#
Danielle - 7:42 Rx, 175#
Elisa - 7:44 Rx, 245# (PR)
Al - 8:35 Rx, 245# (PR)

My goodness!  What a day!  Everyone got a taste of Fran and did great!  Use these times to push yourself faster next time.  All of the Personal Records are a testament to your hard work and dedication.  In 2 months of training, we were able to get Jenna to increase her max dead lift by 40 pounds!  Keep up the outstanding work!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

4.22.13 Avalanche

WOD: The Avalanche

2 Rounds for time
50 Box Jumps (24"/18")
50 Push Ups (X-Fit)
50 KB High Pulls (44#/26#)
50 Russian Twists (16-20#/10-12#)

Tip of the Day: It takes 3,500 calories to gain/burn 1 pound.  In order to begin losing weight at a rate of 1 lb/wk, reduce your calorie intake by 250 calories and incorporate exercise that will burn 250 calories per week.

-250 Cal reduced intake
-250 Cal burned exercising
= -500 Cals x 7 days
-3,500 Cals/week

Kenia - 7:54 
Cara - 27:32
Jenna - 17:45 mRx
Jenn - 19:02 Rx
Sean O. - 17:00 Rx
Fernando - 16:46 Rx
Eric Sr. - 26:03
Eric Jr. - 25:04 Rx
Brock - 22:47 Rx
Brian N. - 23:20 Rx
Jeff - 25:45 Rx
Sean L. - 25:28 Rx
Mark - 25:28 Rx
Stephanie - 21:08 Rx
Tom'D - 19:43 Rx
Bob - 17:56
Nick - 25:58 Rx
Greg - 25:56 Rx
Lindsay Z. - 12:32 Rx
David - 34:35 Rx
Al - 26:25 Rx

Excellent workouts today!

Monday, April 22, 2013

4.20.13 Silverback

WOD: The Silverback

5 Rounds for time
3 Muscle Ups or 6 Med Ball Burpees
5 Hang Cleans
10 Single Arm Push Press
20 Lunges

Tip of the Day: No holding your breath, continued oxygen flow is mandatory for sustained lifting power.  To improve lifting stamina focus on constant and rhythmic breaths.  Inhale during eccentric loading, exhale during concentric loading.  Breath out when creating force (i.e. the up portion of the squat or push press, etc.)

Jenn - 12:55
Jenna - 12:31 Rx
Jeff - 13:40
Gina - 15:20
Danielle - 14:25
Cara - 15:11
Nicole - 12:06

Saturday, April 20, 2013

4.19.13 Golden Clipper

WOD: The Golden Clipper

One time through for time...

Ring Rows  Back Squats  Toes to Bar
       21                 6                    3
       18                 6                    6
       15                 6                    9
       12                 6                   12
        9                  6                   15
        6                  6                   18
        3                  6                   21

Tip of the Day: If losing body fat is your goal, incorporate an extra 30 minutes of light cardio daily into your current program.  Going for a walk, run, or swim will add an additional 3.5 hours of calorie burn to your week.

Rich - 22:12 Rx
Tom S. - 25:02
Jeff - 19:09
Abby - 14:07
Jenna - 18:20 Rx (115#)
Jenn - 19:11
Tom'D - 20:31
Jason - 15:36
Gina F. - 16:28
Eric - 23:30 Rx (135# Cleans)
Brian N. - 25:28 Rx (135# Cleans)
Mark - 30:20 Rx

Enjoy the weekend!!

Friday, April 19, 2013

4.18.13 Karabel

WOD: Karabel

Skill: 10x4 OH Squats, 20 Power Snatches

10 Rounds for time
3 Snatches (135#/65#)
15 Wall Balls (20-16#, 10-12#)

Tip of the Day: It is recommended that 10-35% of your daily calories come from protein.  For women aged 19-40 the recommended dietary allowance is 46 grams and for men aged 19-40 the recommended dietary allowance is 56 grams of protein.

Abby - 17:48
Lindsay Z. - 17:29
Rich - 20:55 Rx
Cara - 23:11
Jason - 15:32
Brock - 13:56
Fernando - 13:28
Ronak - 14:58
Brian P. - 15:43
Greg - 17:24
Sean L. - 15:32
Tom'D - 12:39
Sean O. - 13:15
Amy - 17:49
Elisa - 16:15
Nick - 16:04

Thursday, April 18, 2013

4.17.13 Stairmaster

WOD:  The Stairmaster

1/2 Mile Run to Stairs
50 Air Squats
1x Up & Down Stairs
50 Push Ups on Bench
1x Up & Down Stairs
50 Knee Raises w/ Feet on Bench
1x Up & Down Stairs
50 Dips on Bench
1/2 Mile Run to Myo
50 Sit Ups

Tip of the Day:  When you run, breathe so that your belly rises as you inhale. This ensures that your lungs are inflating fully with oxygen, so you'll be able to go longer. Practice by lying on your back and placing a book on your stomach. The book should rise when you breathe in.

Rich - 38:57
Tom'D - 26:16
Jenn - 32:06
Tom S. - 44:06
Fernando - 24:46
Gina F. - 30:25
Ronak - 31:02
Sean L. - 38:19
Brock - 24:30
Nicole - 30:17
Sean O. - 24:19
Brian P. - 39:04
Jeff - 32:04
Marika - 40:39
Lauren - 41:35
Kendal - 41:25
David - 52:52
Bob - 29:28 (2x Stairs)
Jason - 26:02
Nick - 40:38
Lindsay Z. - 26:12
Jenna - 26:39
Cara - 42:27
Lindsay D. - 42:52
Elisa - 32:59
Danielle - 33:26
Al - 29:48

A tremendous effort all around!  Sometimes we have to do things out of our comfort zone to reach our fitness goals.  What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

4.16.13 Dreamer

WOD:  The Dreamer

30 Min Max
Rep Scheme: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Burpee Pull Ups
KB Swings (2 pood/1 pood)
Handstand Walk (20 ft)/Hold (40 Sec)
Leg Raises
Jumprope (100, 90, 80, 70, etc.)

Tip of the Day: 

Don't pop a pill after you work out. Researchers at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences found that ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and acetaminophen (Tylenol) were no more effective than a placebo in relieving post exercise muscle soreness. More important, they say the drugs may actually suppress muscle growth when taken after a workout.

Rich - 26:11 Rx
Lindsay Z. - 22:42
Jeff - 34:17
Abby - 23:49
Nick - 34:05
Tom'D - 29:15
Sean O. - 23:16
Ronak - 26:47
Jenn - 26:54
Fernando - 23:09
Brock - 26:45
Kyle - 37:56
Al - 28:53
Zach - 18:41 (7-1)
Greg - 37:35
Nicole - 29:29
Mark - 38:02
Sean L. - 32:00 (10-4)
Elisa - 32:10
Danielle - 29:05
Jenna - 23:20 Rx

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

4.15.13 Man Maker

WOD: The Man Maker

Skill:  Deadlift 4x8, OH Squat 4x8

5 Rounds for Time
10 OH Squat w/ KB (One Arm) Rx: 12/16 kg
20 Sit Ups
10 Deadlifts Rx: 85/155#
20 Push Ups (X-Fit)

Tip of the Day:  Drink water!  Keep water flowing before, during, and after your workout.  During your workout it is recommended to replenish your fluids once every 20 minutes.

Jeff - 24:11
Tom S. - 23:18
Abby - 12:14
Ronak - 12:14
Fernando - 13:59
Gina F. - 12:52 Rx
Brock - 19:49
Nicole - 15:45
Sean O.- 12:31
Brian P. - 21:42
Lindsay D. - 17:30
Mark - 18:30 Rx
Greg - 18:30 Rx
Jenna - 12:30 Rx (135)
Jenn - 13:36
Luc - 13:12 Rx (225)
Danielle - 14:52 Rx
Elisa - 14:12 Rx (135)
Kyle - 13:30
David - 33:11

Excellent work today!  Way to battle through the push ups!