WOD: Patchwork
Skill: L-Holds - Ground, Hanging, Rings 10x20secs
Partner WOD for time.
40 Snatches Alternating (115#/93#)
3 Rounds
300m Row
30 American KB Swings (20kg/12kg)
Focus: Abdominal strengthening. Teamwork in the WOD, don't rush the snatches!
Rob & Joobin - 13:27 95#
Carmen & Kellie - 14:45 45#
Orlando & Jesse - 17:05 65#
Regina & Abby - 14:20 53#
Patrick & Alex - 10:46 45#
Leslie - 7:20 Mod
Teria - 14:51 45#
Claudia - 15:05 45#
Nicole H. & Angela - 14:50 53#
Mason & Adam - 13:46 Rx
Ryan & Eric G. - 15:12 95#/65#
Charlene & Carla - 16:01 35#
Bob - Mod
Joe & Robert - 12:36 Rx
Brenda D. - 13:47 Mod
Angie - Mod
Becca & Cindy - 15:19 53#
Gaylene & Kristine - 14:06 53#
Delilah & Vanessa - 14:57 53#
Chase & Ray - 15:08 65#/45#
Brenda H. & Maira - 14:28 45#
Nick B. - 9:11 15.5
Mark & Kyle - 16:24 Rx
Mari & Stephanie B. - 15:37 45#
Tara - 11:57 Rx
Trinh - 12:30 20#
Tim & Nick B. - 13:23 Rx
Steve P. & Tony - 14:00 75#
Lauren & Ana - 15:45 63#
Jenifer - 14:05 53#
Tara & Jen D. - 14:57 63#
Karen & Stephanie V. - 15:31 53#
Subhi - 12:14 65#
Amarjit & Ian - 15:30 85#
Taylor & Irish - 12:57 95#/53#
WOD: W.I.T. 2
Skill: Power Cleans 8,8,8,8,8 (Touch & Go)
15 Min EMOM
4 Mins of 20 Push Ups/min
5 Mins of 10 Thrusters (65#/45#)/min
6 Mins of 100 Single Unders/min
Focus: Cycling the barbell. Efficiency throughout the entire movement. Smooth transitions. Quality push ups, work on tight mid-line stabilization so that the hips and shoulders rise at the same time.
John - XOO 45#
Carmen - XXO 43#
Jesse - XOO 33#
Adam - 18:55 15.5
Orlando - XXO 45#
Regina - XXO 43#
Leslie - -X- 43#
Kaela - OXO 33#
Teria - XXX 33#
Eric Sr. - OOO Mod
Melina - XOO 25#
Tom T. - XXX 45#
Ryan - XOO Rx
Eric G. - OOO 45#
Heather - XXX 15#
Andres - OXO 45#
Tara - XXX Rx
Mason - XOX Rx
Joe - XXO Rx
Tim - XXX Rx
Brenda D. - XXX Mod
Becca - XXX Rx
Jason G. - OXX Rx
Maira - XOX 43#
Cindy - XXX Rx
Brenda H. - XXX 43#
Claudia - XXX 33#
Jacque - XXX Rx
Christina - OXX 15#
Adrienne - XXX 33#
Nicole H. - XXX 35#
Trinh - OXO 15#
Chase - XXX 45#
Chris T. - OOO Rx
Mari - XXX 33#
Kyle - XXX Rx
Jason T. - Mod
Irish - OXO Rx
Gaylene - OXX 43#
Bethanie - OXX 33#
Subhi - XXO Mod
Marika - OXX 33#
Ray - XXO 45#
Ram - XXX 50#
Nick Z. - OXO Rx
Lindsay Z. - XXX 43#
Jen D. - XXO 38#
Tony - XOO 45#
Robert - OOO 45#
Danielle - XXX Rx
Ana - OXX Rx
Jessica - OOX 33#
Ian - OOX 45#
We will be closed this Sunday for Easter. Get out of the gym and enjoy the outdoors!
WOD: Sunday Grind
Skill: Overhead Lunges 10,10,10,10
12 Min AMRAP
7 Front Squats (135#/103#)
2 40ft Bear Crawls
3 Tire Flips
Focus: Suns out, guns out.
Nita - 69 63#
Joobin - 82 Rx
Danielle - 67 Rx
Jaclyn - 72 53#
Manish - 60 53#
Megan - 81 Rx
WOD: Open Workout 15.5
Skill: Rowing Technique and Thruster Warm Up
27 - 21 - 15 - 9
Calorie Row
Thrusters (95#/65#)
Focus: Have a plan and stick to it. Much of this workout is mental. Grind it out.
Jenifer - 16:14 43#
Steve P. - 17:09 65#
Kristine - 17:31 53#
Regina - 16:54 53#
Orlando - 14:21 75#
Will - 13:57 75#
Manish - 17:46 35#
Simon - 19:37 35#
Jesse - 19:22 53#
Lauren - 17:21 53#
Tony - 126 Reps 75#
Nita - 14:30 35#
Chris T. - 15:36 65#
Gaylene - 11:55 45#
Delilah - 20:21 53#
Vanessa C. - 16:55 Rx
Mason - 16:40 Rx
Christina - 18:02 25#
Joobin- 12:14 Rx
Megan - 8:42 Rx
Tim - 11:19 Rx
MFF - 9:57 Rx
Stephanie V. - 16:41 45#
Ernie - 10:02 Rx
WOD: Deathy By Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Skill: Snatch Balance 4,4,4,4,2,2,2,1,1
Go until you cannot complete the number of C2B Pull Ups for that respective minute.
1 - Minute 1
2 - Minute 2
3 - Minute 3
4 - Minute 4
Focus: Get comfortable in the bottom of the snatch, speed to lockout and speed to the bottom. Go as long as you can in the WOD. Scale is 3 jumping pull ups each minute.
Carmen - 8
Jesse - 7
Nicole C. - 6
Chris S. - 6
Lauren - Mod
Teria - 5
Abby - 4
Eric Sr. - 8
Nino - 8+22
Melina - 6+17
Tom T. - 6+12
Regina - 5+17
Nita - 8+20
Charlene - 6+10
Ray - Mod
Tara - 15:45 15.5
Mason - 10+9 Rx
Ryan - 11+5 Rx
Amarjit - 5 Mod
Joe - 9 Rx
Nick B. - Mod
Leslie - 9+6
Becca - 11
Jen P. - 21
Bob - 19
Jaclyn - 10
Noemi - 6+16
Cindy - 11
Manish - 8+12
Kaela - 7+12
Subhi - 6+18
Andres - 7
Heather - 6
Kristine - 12
Gaylene - 6
Steve P. - 7
Simon - 7
Bri - 7
Bethanie - Mod
Jacque - 10+4 Rx
Chris T. - 5
Matt - 7
Jenifer - 7
WOD: Mr. Clean
Skill: 90 yd Sprints x 7
4 Rounds
5 Hang Cleans (185#/135#)
15 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
45 Double Unders
Focus: Running technique and explosiveness. Hard of the gates and lengthen out the strides. Use the hookgrip for the cleans!
Vanessa - 11:44 83#
Kaela - 15:38 93#
Joobin - 15:27 Rx
Rob - 11:12 75#
Carmen - 13:51 73#
Luis - 13:50 35#
Regina - 11:46 83#
Orlando - 16:13 135#
Jacque - 10:16 83#
Teria - 13:08 63#
Tom T. - 11:30 135#
Adam - 11:19 135#
Jose - 12:55 105#
Charlene - 18:21 35#
Anthony - 15:11 Rx
Tom S. - 18:20 Rx
Carla - 11:12 25#
Angela - 18:11 83#
Jesse - 18:00 73#
Fernando - 12:24 Rx
Lindsay Z. - 10:09 53#
Kris - SPT
Maira - 12:46 63#
Joe - 9:52 Rx
Amarjit - 12:50 Mod
Gaylene - 10:06 83#
Megan - 7:58 Rx
Jason G. - Mod
Steve V. - 15:01 155#
Cindy - 13:47 93#
Karen - 18:14 53#
Bob - Mod
Marika - 12:18 53#
Andres - 10:52 95#
Heather - 10:02 53#
Melina - 15:00 45#
Santhi - 11:30 25#
Riemann - 12:33 (3) 25#
Stephanie V. - 15:42 53#
Mark - 15:01 155#
Stephanie B. - 12:21 73#
Delilah - 12:24 73#
Claudia - 10:42 63#
Martin - 12:42 85#
Brenda H. - 11:56 63#
Leslie - 12:36 103#
Chris T. - 18:05 135#
Trinh - 16:13 25#
Noemi - 17:35 43#
Angie - 13:59 53#
Jason T. - 23:03 145#
Travis - 15:03 135#
Irish - 16:04 73#
Amy - 15:56 53#
Eric G. - 14:28 73#
Robert - 12:46 155#
Kristine - 13:35 53#
Chase - 15:37 95#
Tim - Mod
Ana - 13:49 93#
Bethanie - 9:14 63#
Subhi - 13:55 Mod
Nick B. - 10:28 Rx
Jessica - 16:50 53#
WOD: Walter
Skill: Strict Press in a Split Stance 5x8
7 Rounds for time.
7 Weighted Ring Dips (20#/10#)
5 Power Snatches (115#/93#)
Focus: Shoulder strength and body awareness/control. Keep the abs tight while pressing. Don't be in too much of a rush during the WOD, keep the snatches quality!
Rob - 9:45 65#
Joobin - 14:41 115#/10#
Teria - 7:23 43#
Eric Sr. - 9:54 95#
Carla - 9:00 15#
Andres - 10:20 95#
Mason - 11:35 95#/20#
Jenifer - 11:36 53#
Ryan - 9:50 95#/20#
Robert - 16:00 95#/20#
Eric G. - 17:35 65#
Joe - 14:40 Rx
Jaclyn - 8:20 53#
Karen - 7:32 35#
Carmen - 13:11 53#
Steve V. - 17:59 95#
Bob - Mod
Adrienne - 7:18 35#
Delilah - 10:44 53#
Santhi - 8:00 20#
Claudia - 6:15 43#
Becca - 7:26 53#
Jason T. - 11:05 65#
Christina - 7:58 25#
Tom T. - 18:26 Mod
Trinh - 7:30 15#
Brenda H. - 8:58 53#
Jacque - 9:49 73#
Matt - 11:33 65#
Melina - 7:33 25#
Noemi - 8:12 33#
Simon - 7:50 33#
Kyle - 11:07 95#
Mari - 9:46 33#
Steve P. - 7:41 65#
Tim - Mod
Nicole H. - 7:47 (10) 45#
Subhi - 10:15 Mod
Leslie - 7:00 63#
Tom S.
WOD: Zimmster (Happy Birthday Nick!)
Skill: Front Squats
3 Rounds.
25 Push Ups
25 Alternating DB Snatches
25 Ring Rows
25 Box Jumps (24"/20")
Focus: Upright posture in the front squats. Drive the elbows high out of the bottom of the squat! Break up the sets early in the WOD to leave some gas in the tank at the end.
Nicole H. - 15:47 15#
Jaclyn - 19:24 15#
Joobin - 18:50 30#
Orlando - 22:06 30#
Regina - 23:24 20#
Kaela - 23:03 20#
Sheri - 23:54 15#
Jen D. - 23:06 15#
Jesse - 34:57 15#
Teria - 18:49 20#
Vanessa C. - 17:33 20#
Abby - 16:57 15#
Brandon R. - 16:44 30#
Ryan - 21:10 35#
Nick Z. - 21:30 25#
Lindsay Z. - 15:56 15#
Eric G. - 21:36 15#
Amy - 21:24 10#
Andres - 21:18 25#
Angela - 22:07 15#
Mason - 21:01 40#
Adam - 22:20 40#
Robert - 18:16 40#
Angie - 17:18 15#
Tom S. - 26:39 40#
Carmen - 14:00 15#
Megan - 14:00 30#
Becca - 18:48 20#
Amarjit - 15:10 Mod
Joe - 15:58 45#
Bob - Mod
Patricia - 23:50 10#
Cindy - 18:49 25#
Kristine - 20:21 15#
Gaylene - 16:58 25#
Delilah - 19:46 15#
Melina - 20:46 10#
Jacque - 18:37 25#
Matt - 25:49 20#
Chase - 16:47 20#
Brenda H. - 19:32 15#
Trinh - 18:26 5#
Mark - 21:23 25#
Nino - 18:30 5#
Chris T. - 21:01 35#
Kyle - 20:40 25#
Tony - 20:11 25#
Maira - 17:19 20#
Nick B. - 17:10 40#
Jenifer - 18:10 15#
Tara - 18:54 Mod
Lauren - 17:27 20#
Steve P. - 17:06 25#
Ana - 18:04 25#
Karen - 20:17 15#
Stephanie V. - 21:35 20#
Jessica - 16:36 15#
Fernando - 17:52 40#
WOD: Knee Deep
Skill: Dead lifts 3,3,3,3,3,3,3
16 Min AMRAP
40 Overhead Lunges (45#/25#)
20 Hollow Rocks
10 Pull Ups
Focus: Heavier Dead lifts, lift with the legs! Keep the elbows locked out overhead during the lunges!
Vanessa C. - 366 Rx
Jesse - 145 35#
Edith - 160 Mod
Adam - 22 15.4
Leslie - 140 Rx
Eric Sr. - 270 Mod
Abby - 259 Mod
Mason - 226 Rx
Ryan - 242 Rx
Tim - 345 Mod
Megan - 73 15.4/370 Rx
Joe - Mod
Robert - 279 Rx
Carmen - 480 25#
Maira - 280 25#
Becca - 297 25#
Cindy - 299 25#
Gaylene - 231 Mod
Bob - Mod
Marika - 275 25#
Chase - 223 35#
Stephanie B. - 247 25#
Claudia - 305 10#
Chris T. - 199 45#
Mari - 208 10#
Kyle - 229 45#
Jacque - 302 Rx
Matt - 200 25#
Jason T. - Mod
Brenda H. - 250 25#
Santhi - Mod
Mark - 227 Rx
Nita - 340 10#
Jaclyn - 280 25#
Jenifer - 253 25#
Nicole H. - 326 25#
Irish - 255 25#
Lauren - 345 25#
Tony - 210 35#
Steve P. - 300 35#
Jen D. - 238 25#
Kristine - 270 25#
Ana - 295 25#
Stephanie V. - 252 Mod
Tara - 420 25#
Jessica - 243 25#
Adrienne - 324 25#
Fernando - 340 Rx
The Tough Mudder Tahoe is coming up on June 13th, 2015. Last
year we had a great turnout and would like to do the same this year.
We are planning on running on Saturday, June 13th @ 8am.
Travel and
lodge are to be handled individually.
Be sure to register soon as the price increases every two weeks... www.toughmudder.com
(Let us know in the comments below if you plan on attending.)
Team name: Myo's Average Joes
Password: Cummins1993
Let us know if you have any questions regarding the Mudder. We look forward to seeing everyone there!
Proper Warm-Up is vital for successful Olympic lifting. Get here earlier and stay later mobilizing your shoulders, ankles, and hips! Need tips on how to attack a certain area? Just ask us!
WOD: Swing
Skill: Back Squats 5x10 Unbroken
For time.
21 KB Swings (32kg/20kg)
21 Toes to Ring
Sprint 100m
15 KB Swings
15 Toes to Ring
Sprint 100m
9 KB Swings
9 Toes to Ring
Sprint 100m
Focus: Unbroken sets in the squats. Work good depth and tempo. WOD is short and sweet, sprint through the whole thing.
Nita - 8:01 12kg
Sruthi - 8:06 8kg
Vanessa - 6:16 Rx
Delilah - 7:32 18kg
Joobin - 5:58 Rx
Tom S.
WOD: Open Workout 15.4
Skill: Cleans & Push Press Review
3 HSPU's
3 Cleans (185#/125#)
6 HSPU's
3 Cleans
9 HSPU's
3 Cleans
12 HSPU's
6 Cleans
15 HSPU's
6 Cleans
18 HSPU's
6 Cleans
21 HSPU's
9 Cleans
24 HSPU's
9 Cleans
27 HSPU's
9 Cleans
Focus: 8 minutes is not a long time. This is a handstand push up workout. Break them up early and often to leave some in the tank at the end. Short breaks and make each HSPU count or you're wasting valuable energy!
(S) = Scaled to 10 Push Press (95/65) and 10 Cleans (115/75)
Manish - 57 65#
Ana - 89 S
Andres - 80 85#
Kristine - Mod
Chris T. - 95 115#
Regina - 95 115#
Orlando - 55 S
Jesse - 78 73#
Heather - Mod
Becca - 80 65#
Nicole C. - 44 53#
Chris S. - 41 95#
Nita - 85 45#
Gaylene - 108 S
Jessica - 60 S
Joe - 78 65#
Vanessa - 68 S
Chris D. - 70 115#
Delilah - 44 S
Nick B. - Mod
Mason - Mod
Kaela - 83 S
Tim - Mod
Chase - Mod
Joobin - 43 Rx
Megan - 82 Rx
Tom S. - Mod
Nick Z. - 70 S
Lindsay 108 53#
Ernie - 51 Rx
WOD: Outcast
Skill: Reverse GHD 4x10
For time.
100 Sit Ups
Row 2000m
Focus: GHD work focusing on posterior chain. Do not overextend too much at the top. Cardio and core for the metcon.
Luis - 8:33
Carmen - 14:17
Danielle - 15:59
Jesse - 16:26
Yajaira - 17:32
Kaela - 16:12
Eric Sr. - 13:30
Tom T. - 15:50
Melina - 17:53
Regina - 14:17
Ryan - 13:01
Sruthi - 19:57
Charlene - 18:49
Anthony - 45 15.4
Tom S. - 12:13
Angela - 16:26
Joe - 11:39
Mason - 12:48
Becca - 14:48
Claudia - 16:54
Leslie - 13:37
Brenda H. - 15:56
Jenifer - 15:25
Bob - Mod
Jennifer P. - Mod
Gaylene - 13:28
Kristine - 13:15
Cindy - 14:27
Delilah - 14:27
Andres - 14:04
Rick - 16:28
Prince - 22:30
Nick B.